
A new way to kill terrorist

ok news update...
hexballlwawaa (spelling) ordered new pagers and phones some 5 months ago from a Korean communications company
then they were up fitted or finished in Hungary
hexballlaaaa (spelling)started using pagers as they were concerned about Israel tracking their locations
so the SUPER SMART agents in "Q" section of the Israel defense force some how intercepted the devices and placed explosive charges in them and waited ...i guess until all the order was picked up at this electronics shop in tel-ave (spelling)
then they started paging the devices the other day and well we know the rest
massive phy ops now... i bet the few in a meeting once they found out what was going on, sort of crapppped the sheets at it were
this was reported on a few news agencies early this morning,

then again i read last night there is a virus that can be sent to device with lithium batteries that caused them to overheat and by pass the shut down and go BOOM, although with less deadly impact, unless its in your shirt pocket or near an artery in your pants pocket

i say outstanding for Israel , taking it to the actual terrorists
i think i read a few kids were injured, which sort of sucks but hey...if dad is a bad guy and he loves you so much to put you at risk... oh well
Sorry had to share!


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Videos of devices going off all over Lebanon

Videos of devices going off all over Lebanon
Did anybody happen to notice that yesterday when that pager went off and that guy at the grocery store fell over and everybody scattered. Did you see the amount of cash that was laying on the ground around his body it had to of been thousands of dollars that flew out of that bag and landed on the ground at his feet.
Did anybody happen to notice that yesterday when that pager went off and that guy at the grocery store fell over and everybody scattered. Did you see the amount of cash that was laying on the ground around his body it had to of been thousands of dollars that flew out of that bag and landed on the ground at his feet.
the one guy next to him skeeedaddled
and the bad guy appeared to be having a HIP and Socket issue as well