Thanks, going to watch it!Yes, late notice, but at 5:45 PM, on TCM.
Bullitt is on......
its on everyday on my tubi pageYes, late notice, but at 5:45 PM, on TCM.
Bullitt is on......
i like watching that movie, to pick out the faults of the editing..
in one scene, the mustang has mud on the drivers side front fender....
in another, it is pristine clean....
in one scene, the charger loses a hub cap, in another, it is still on the car...
then i like to pick out either the people (real not actors or film crew) standing and watching, and running from the cars racing, to seeing a film crew guy wave on the cars in the direction they need to go.
even Spielberg's first movie..."Duel" had gaff's that i like to watch over and over again....
i really enjoy the gaffs of any movie, it just happens, and gets missed in final editing.......
it makes me wanna keep watching, recording it, playing it frame by frame, to see where the editing cut is made...
another one is, the charger is coming down the hill, crashes not only into a parked car, (i think a white car???) but also the camera, which an edit cut is made right at that point
Me too along with all the dirty Harry’sI have it on DVD, it's on anytime I want it to be lol
in all my years of driving trucks, only on rare occasions did i blip the throttle upshifting, if only to raise those RPM's ever so slightly to come to a near match of speed for the gears to mesh easier.One thing I never understood in Bullitt was why they blipped the throttle while up-shifting. Coming down I undertand but not going up in the gears.
stock sound footageOne thing I never understood in Bullitt was why they blipped the throttle while up-shifting. Coming down I undertand but not going up in the gears.
Yeah, they sounded like they were stock.....J/Kstock sound footage
Yeah, I guess you're right, But....(the big-block in the Bullitt car weighs at least 800 pounds while bouncing and twisting the car between the front wheels
Closer to around 675 lbs for a 390. The later 460 was closer to 750.