
Guns & Gear Deals Online


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When I buy gear or firearm upgrades I mostly shop from the same three websites: Palmetto State armory, Optics Planet and Gun Mag Warehouse. All three of the sites have provided great service with some really good deals. What are some places you shop or what are some deals on guns & gear going on now that everyone is missing out on?

A great deal I got recently is
250 rounds 124gr CCI blazer plus 5 factory 8 round mags for my shield for $99.99 at Palmetto a couple weeks ago.

I have a Black/NP3 Radian SD charging handle for $90.00 in the mail coming from Optics Planet. This particular finish I've seen selling for close to $130.00 regularly.

I typically buy most of my ammo & firearms from local shops.
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Not only the 3 you listed (in addition to DVOR, free membership & subsidiary of Optic Planet with supposedly better member prices than OP). Lucky Gunner for ammo (love Chris’s blog), Proven Arms & Outfitters (formerly Quantico Tactical) good deals on Mags etc. and discounts on Firearms for vets, first responders, LEO. Ammo Supply Warehouse (also good for bulk ammo). I heavily shop Midway USA, and Cheaper Than Dirt., Classic Firearms (bought several Mags, firearms, etc. from them). I can’t even name all that I shop and I got probably 30 or so bookmarked for items I can find elsewhere (to name a few: Botach, Cabelas, Sarco, Impact Guns, OTM Tactical, VZ Grips, AR15part, Alexander Arms, Hyatt Guns & more)
Do a lot of ammo buys from TargetSportsUSA.com
Once I shoot it of course I'll reload it.
I like to have some factory ammo with me at the range. If someone is going to fire one of my guns they get to use factory instead of my reloads. I do that for liability reasons.
That‘s interesting SMSgtRod. Do you also carry with factory ammunition for the same liability reasons? I’ve heard prosecutors will use that and any modifications to firearms to go after the defendant brought up on charges after a EDC self defense claimed shooting.
Some of the time it's factory ammo. But a lot of the time it's my loads. Most likely depends on where you live as it's such a boondoggle any more.
I have the understanding that in South Carolina there is no issue if it's legal for a civilian to have.
But there is so much litigation and prosecution anymore being right has more severe punishments than
if you were a criminal.
Primary arms is one of my new main go to places to shop all things guns with good prices and incredibly fast shipping.

I've bought less from optics planet lately because of their now terrible shipping times which can take about 3 weeks to ship an in stock item.
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I've also done a lot of business with PA, but have noticed on my last order they generate a shipping label & say it's shipped but if you monitor the tracking it sits there for several day before you see it actually moving.
I've only recently started ordering from them and the few things I ordered were shipped and delivered within the same week. I may have just got lucky on the shipping times.

Optics planet definitely went to the birds.

Palmetto State Armory has started jacking up all their AR build kit prices almost $50 - $100 more per kit then usual.
My last firearm purchase was from Palmetto State Armory. Got a Springdfield XD45 Mod 2 4-inch for $360.00. Helluva good deal and it's a very nice handgun. Took a while for it to get shipped out here to me but well worth the wait.
My last firearm purchase was from Palmetto State Armory. Got a Springdfield XD45 Mod 2 4-inch for $360.00. Helluva good deal and it's a very nice handgun. Took a while for it to get shipped out here to me but well worth the wait.
Palmetto always had good deals on guns especially their own brand AR build kits but recently they have jacked the prices on most of their products.
Palmetto always had good deals on guns especially their own brand AR build kits but recently they have jacked the prices on most of their products.
I had noticed that also as of late, seems like the current social situation is causing another spike in firearms prices. I'm seeing a lot higher prices on AR15 rifles, my local gun stores are pretty much empty of rifles.