
Did you purchase a firearm last year?

I have the SR-556 TD as well georgiajeeper. I jumped on their web site and grabbed the 300 BO barrel to go along with the 5.56 that came with it. Sweet.
Yeah, I've been wanting it for a few years and it finally came down in price. I picked up in December and then the 300 barrel. They don't make them or the rifle anymore, so I got lucky. I have some time scheduled at the LGS range this Monday to zero it in. I can't wait. I wanted to get a Saint, but I wanted this more.
Yeah, I've been wanting it for a few years and it finally came down in price. I picked up in December and then the 300 barrel. They don't make them or the rifle anymore, so I got lucky. I have some time scheduled at the LGS range this Monday to zero it in. I can't wait. I wanted to get a Saint, but I wanted this more.
I got the 1st Gen Saint carbine, it's nice. I'm sorry to hear Ruger discontinued the SR-556 takedown. I was hoping they would have added more barrel selections like the .223 Wylde or .224 Valkyrie
Great looking firearm 10mmLife. I got the CZ 75B and it feels great in my hand. I'm assuming that would too as it looks like the 75B grip angle from the picture.
I can't wait to shoot it. My friend has a Browning Hi-power (that I love to shoot) he bought back in the 80s and from what I read the CZ 75 is based off the HI-Power design including the grip angle.
I can't wait to shoot it. My friend has a Browning Hi-power (that I love to shoot) he bought back in the 80s and from what I read the CZ 75 is based off the HI-Power design including the grip angle.
Yeah, I saw Hickok45's review on the CZ 75 and he like the feel as well. I haven't yet fired the Hi-Power, but it sure does feel nice to hold as well, so I believe it.
Yeah, I saw Hickok45's review on the CZ 75 and he like the feel as well. I haven't yet fired the Hi-Power, but it sure does feel nice to hold as well, so I believe it.
I got a good deal on it.
My current yearly average (since I started really shooting in late-Q4., 2010) still comes to about 2 a year, but I really slowed way down after 2013, and between 17 and January of '19, I went cold-turkey.

The beginning of January of that year saw the sole purchase for the year: a Gen4 Glock 17SF.

It's not without my trying, I guess. I kinda want an AR to endcap my ARs. I stopped-in at a LGS that had stocked Knights' in previous years, but luckily, they only special-order them, now. Another LGS also didn't have one in-stock. 😅 I really wanted to put my hands on it, before spending the money. 😁
Yeah, I saw Hickok45's review on the CZ 75 and he like the feel as well. I haven't yet fired the Hi-Power, but it sure does feel nice to hold as well, so I believe it.
The HI-power is probably one of the nicest guns I've shot. Personal opinion.
I got what I think is a good deal $595.00 out the store brand new.
That's about what I paid for the CZ 75B at a gun show. I got a discount of the background check fee for having my carry permit. Now the CZ 75 RAMI BD was a bit more, due to their limited availability at the time
That's about what I paid for the CZ 75B at a gun show. I got a discount of the background check fee for having my carry permit. Now the CZ 75 RAMI BD was a bit more, due to their limited availability at the time
The store I bought this from had a 75
P-01c and a Rami also.
My current yearly average (since I started really shooting in late-Q4., 2010) still comes to about 2 a year, but I really slowed way down after 2013, and between 17 and January of '19, I went cold-turkey.

The beginning of January of that year saw the sole purchase for the year: a Gen4 Glock 17SF.

It's not without my trying, I guess. I kinda want an AR to endcap my ARs. I stopped-in at a LGS that had stocked Knights' in previous years, but luckily, they only special-order them, now. Another LGS also didn't have one in-stock. 😅 I really wanted to put my hands on it, before spending the money. 😁
Gee, I wish I had your restraint. Problem is, I keep getting reward $$ from the local gun store (points from previous purchases that eventually build up to a $$ amount and a yearly "birthday" award). They aren't much, and I can use them for other things, but seeing all those new firearms just compels me to buy. :confused:
PSA will run deals on ar 30 round Magpul mags for the ar every now and then. They were like $7.79 apiece. I bought 10, then went back and bought another 10, and finally went back the third time and bought 10 more. Plus the ones I already bought at flea markets. I did buy a few 10 round mags for the shooting bench. Wish I could find good deals on the M1a 20 round mags.
Just 1. While there will always be a lot of guns I'd like to have, I really have something for everything I would ever need to do. I'm unlikely to buy very many more, though I do expect an occasional buy.
Only one for me for 2019 was actually a Springfield XDS mod.2 desert fde with black for $380 with range promotion. the extended grip made it feel right in my hand for a compact concealed since I have a wide palm.
Busy to say the least. Very nice. Are you thinking of putting the CrimsonTrace laser saddles on either the Tac-14 or Shockwave? I have one on my 590M & plan on getting one for my Tac-14DM.
Im thinking about something with my Remington. Im going to pick up a rail kit for my 590 and send my birdseye maple furniture to northern oak leather to work their magic.
Now for the Tac14, I haven’t decided just yet on a direction to go. I was hoping the industry may have responded some with some products for these but it has so far been limited.
This is the rail Im considering
And Norther Oak will do this to my birdseye.
