
Recent content by ddeuce22

  1. ddeuce22

    Round count

    I keep a spreadsheet of all my guns, serial #'s, ammo inventory, and how many rounds have been put through each gun. Because i'm slightly paranoid I keep it saved on a thumbdrive that's kept in the safe. I don't know. I can't help it.
  2. ddeuce22

    More SIGs for the Collection

    Absolutely love the mk.25
  3. ddeuce22

    Are You Truly Prepared for EDC?

    Word up.
  4. ddeuce22

    Red dots for ARs

    Chinese made, American designed. Nothing Vortex makes is made in America. Maybe assembled in final steps here, but everything below the Razor lines are manufactured in China, and the higher end glass is made in Japan. Vortex makes it easy to buy their stuff with that warranty. Haven't heard...
  5. ddeuce22

    Red dots for ARs

    I'm a big fan of Eotech and Aimpoint. Haven't used the Vortex Holo, mostly because at that price point I can get an Eotech. Really wish they would get with the times and add a shake awake feature. Heard too much negative about Trijicon MRO so stayed away from those. Those thermal Holosun optics...
  6. ddeuce22

    A hero passes.

    Some might say, the goodest boi.
  7. ddeuce22

    Is it all just Gibberish?

    It takes alot of time. It's normal for it to feel overwhelming. I felt like that too, hell I still feel like that. Just keep at it, read up on things, and ask questions. These forums are a wealth of information and plenty of good people here willing to share.
  8. ddeuce22

    Finally finished the new Spear...

    Yeah that's a nice set up. looks super light too!
  9. ddeuce22

    Finally finished the new Spear...

    Gave a sneak peek on that 48 hour thread, but it took some time for accessories to roll in and figure out how I was setting this up. It's gonna be more of a DMR role I think, since i'm running the LT 5.56 for rifle training currently. It's pretty heavy, so it makes me appreciate the LT alot more...
  10. ddeuce22

    How accurate is the Saint?

    @Grayfox - This is the gun I was talking about. https://palmettostatearmory.com/springfield-saint-edge-atc-223-wylde-ar-15-rifle-black-sta918223b.html
  11. ddeuce22

    Blind man gets carry license

    From a legal standpoint, a gun shop cannot deny him based on just blindness without opening themselves up to potential litigation (regardless of obvious logic, atleast this is what we were advised in TX). We had this situation in our gun shop with a dude who was almost fully quadraplegic. He had...
  12. ddeuce22

    Armed pilot stops armed teen

    Pretty sure no one here disagrees lol.
  13. ddeuce22

    Armed pilot stops armed teen

    @Bassbob's favorite place.
  14. ddeuce22

    FINALLY Happening?

    Will believe that **** when it gets to Trump's desk. Will he sign it if it gets there is the question.
  15. ddeuce22

    FNX 45 Tactical

    Oh hell yea!