
Recent content by HansGruber

  1. HansGruber

    What are you doing right now??

  2. HansGruber

    40 cal magazine

    They aren’t. In fact, quite often on a lot of magazines, if you measure the lips, 9mm and .40 are identical. Sometimes the follower is different, though. During the 94AWB, a “work around” the 10rd mag cap was to use a .40 magazine in your 9mm; you could usually fit 12-14 rounds of 9 in a ten...
  3. HansGruber

    "The Curse of Glock" or "Why I Have Moved on, but Cannot Fully Sever that Relationship"

    Eh, I’ve owned a lot of Glocks, in most every caliber and size out there (prior to the “40” series subcompacts). They’re all gone. They don’t do anything that my VP9 won’t do better, for me.
  4. HansGruber

    What If the M16 Rifle Never Existed?

    I suspect that we would’ve gotten a 6-7mm rifle a lot sooner than we have, and .223 would be an obscure varmint round, eclipsed by .222.
  5. HansGruber

    1911 TRP Grips

    For the real thing: https://www.amazon.com/Wilson-Combat-Full-Size-Aggressive-Starburst/dp/B073X5QRQD For knockoffs (which work very well; also look at Cool Hand grips): https://www.amazon.com/dp/B088ZGT9F4/ref=sspa_mw_detail_3?ie=UTF8&psc=1&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9kZXRhaWwp13NParams
  6. HansGruber

    1911 TRP Grips

    Get some Wilson Sunburst style. The most comfortable grips I’ve ever used.
  7. HansGruber

    1911 TRP Grips

    If the grips are G10, be careful sanding them down…you’ll definitely want a N95 and eyepro; the dust is nasty stuff. Try wearing gloves.
  8. HansGruber

    What are you doing right now??

    Got back from Pearl Harbor; wife wanted to nap, and there’s a brewery only a 15 minute walk from the condo… A few thoughts from the morning. Watched the colors being raised; somehow, it meant a little bit more seeing it there than most other places. The Arizona Memorial is beautiful. It had...
  9. HansGruber

    Potent Potables (aka What’s your poison?)

    Nitro Coconut Porter @ Maui Brewing. That’s quite tasty.
  10. HansGruber

    What are you doing right now??

  11. HansGruber

    .45 super

    I’ve shot it in HK USP’s with no modifications, but they are designed for it. Usually, you’ll need a heavier recoil spring in a 1911. Sometimes you’ll need heavier mag springs as well for reliable feeding.
  12. HansGruber

    10 mm question

    Sometimes. You’re better off getting correct mags ones.
  13. HansGruber

    Deer camp damage from tornado

    Bummer about the damage…but good that you could salvage a good time all the same.
  14. HansGruber

    40 cal magazine

    Yes. Just don’t use .40 ammo.
  15. HansGruber

    Is nobody talking about Peak Alloy!?

    It’s going to be like Sig’s .277 Fury in that regards, I suspect.