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  1. V

    Garrison 45ACP Jamming

    Follow-up: After cleaning and new mag, I had 3 jams in the first 50 rounds (Federal ammo). Then I had 0 jams in the 2nd 50 rounds (Selliers and Bellot).
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    Garrison 45ACP Jamming

    Thank you. I did lube after cleaning.
  3. V

    Garrison 45ACP Jamming

    Thank you. BTW I enjoyed reading your quotes. All good.
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    Garrison 45ACP Jamming

    Thank you. Heading to the range after work tomorrow with new mags, and hopefully no jams.
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    Garrison 45ACP Jamming

    While I was cleaning the gun for the first time I noticed these marks on the barrel. Is this normal wear? (see pics)
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    Garrison 45ACP Jamming

    Thank you all for responding. While I'm waiting for the new mags I'll clean and inspect the gun. Already bought better quality ammo.
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    Garrison 45ACP Jamming

    Failure to feed. Federal Ammunition Ultra Target and Range 230 FMJ. Just bought it from a local gun shop who claimed to have cleaned it but who knows? Came with a single mag, looks like the original Springfield mag.
  8. V

    Garrison 45ACP Jamming

    Just bought a used Garrison 45ACP PX9420S, went to the range and was very disappointed that it jammed 3 times within 100 rounds. Any advice before I take it apart for cleaning and inspection? Seems to jam on the 2nd round. The gun only came with one mag, so I ordered two new ones from...