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  1. O

    911 failure to feed

    Got it back, and immediately went to the range. 350 rounds, and I had the following: 1 failure to load - round was stuck nose first on the feed ramp. 2 failure to chamber - round was not fully chambered, and a simple bump on the slide was sufficient to get it to fire. 2 failure to fire -...
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    911 failure to feed

    I should be getting my 911 9mm back today, and plan a trip to the range immediately after. Only thing listed on my invoice was polishing the chamber, which isn't where I was experiencing the problems. We'll see if what they did actually fixes anything.
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    911 failure to feed

    Springfield has had my 911 for three weeks now, and still no word from them. That means they have had possession of my pistol 50% longer than I did. Trying to be patient (there is a pandemic and social unrest going on right now, and with the recent spike in sales, I'm sure they have their...
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    Find the Right Carry Gun, Not Necessarily the Smallest One

    What's this "4-season" thing you are talking about? Around here, we really only get two - wet and dry. If I'm not going into work where I'm not allowed to carry, I'm in shorts and a t-shirt year round. Sometimes throw on a sweatshirt when it gets "cold" (i.e., 60 degrees or so). I've been...
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    911 failure to feed

    Springfield just contacted me - they want me to ship it back to them to get inspected/repaired. Glad they are taking care of it, but not happy that they are having to take care of it...
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    Sorry about the loss of your brother! That's a beautiful M1A - these things just look better in a wooden stock. I got my SOCOM 16 used from a local store for a price that couldn't be beat. I'm not entirely sure they knew what it was - it was in a Troy MCS chassis, and it weighed an absolute...
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    Welcome Message

    Newbie here, but been shooting for years. Completely unintentional, but Springfield seems to be the most common brand in my safe: 1878 manufacture year trapdoor M1A SOCOM (in military surplus stock) XD 9mm XDs 9mm XDs .45 XD-E .45 911 9mm
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    911 failure to feed

    Just got a 911 9mm and have been having problems with it every trip to the range. Cleaned and lubed prior to the first trip, and had to find and reinstall the slide release spring as it fell out during cleaning. In about 200 rounds during the first range visit I had 8 failures to load and 3-4...