Got it back, and immediately went to the range. 350 rounds, and I had the following:
1 failure to load - round was stuck nose first on the feed ramp.
2 failure to chamber - round was not fully chambered, and a simple bump on the slide was sufficient to get it to fire.
2 failure to fire - hammer dropped, but just a click. Reset the hammer and it fired the second time.
All these were with Magtech ammo (200 rounds). 150 rounds of Federal went through without any issue. I did find that the way I was holding the pistol would sometimes activate the safety, but after a minor adjustment I fixed that issue.
While I wasn't shooting for accuracy, just speed (the range was rather warm, and I was sweating like a pig), I did discover that I am a much better shooter left handed than I am with my right - all 7 shots were touching at 10 yards. I did discover that I am left eye dominant, so the sight line is easier to maintain.
Next trip will be to a much nicer range, and I'll start practicing with the pistol to get used to loading with my right.