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  1. gglass

    Supreme Court sides with NY gun owners.

    Absolutely Huge 2A News!!!
  2. gglass

    Best .357 Magnum Revolver Buyer’s Guide (2022)

    I'll take "Tank Tough" any day, and twice on Sunday's. My tank...
  3. gglass

    Concealed Carry Corner: How To Master Micro Carry Guns

    If you are going to carry a micro carry gun, you really must put in the practice that you devote to any larger carry gun. You never know what distance will be involved when SHTF. This is a practice 10-yard group with my custom LCP... More than just a belly gun if you do your part.
  4. gglass

    Who invented the M16? A nice 2 min video for those who want to know...

    Who? A Hoosier of course!
  5. gglass

    ZRO Delta 556

    Looks to be a fine basic rifle. I would buy it, place the new PA micro prism sight on it, and head to the range. Not a bad price at Buds: https://www.budsgunshop.com/product_info.php/products_id/411559930/zro+delta+range+ready+basic+556+16in
  6. gglass

    What's Your EDC, PLEASE VOTE

    My earlier response to this thread simply stated .40 S&W, which does answer the OP's question directly. The more expanded answer is that for the last couple of years, I have carried the Smith & Wesson M&P40 m2.0 compact as my primary EDC, and I love it. I realize that this is a Springfield...
  7. gglass

    Where's the ammo I ordered?

    We need another Joe Lefors and his posse to hound these thieves.
  8. gglass

    Anyone dyed their polymer gun?

    I've done Rit dye jobs on polymer gun stocks with only moderate success, as some polymers just don't take dye well. If it were me, I'd just cerakote it and call it a day.
  9. gglass

    The Frozen Chosen – Rifles on Ice

    Addendum to the AR video above.
  10. gglass

    The Frozen Chosen – Rifles on Ice

    To be fair, this test does show a weakness in the AR design as it pertains to severe icing conditions, but that is not the whole story. There are conditions, such as mud, that can completely cripple platforms like the AK, yet the AR does just fine. Case in point... I suppose that the...
  11. gglass

    M1A with misspelled "AROMRY"

    You drive a hard bargain, so I'll double my initial offer! ;-)
  12. gglass

    M1A with misspelled "AROMRY"

    I'll start the bidding at $5 for that defective rifle. I'll provide the shipping address when you notify me of the win.
  13. gglass

    What's Your EDC, PLEASE VOTE

    .40 S&W
  14. gglass

    Home address or public location when selling a gun?

    Always sell guns from your home. In fact, I highly recommend inviting them in to see your collection, while giving them a peek into your safe as they look over your shoulder, when spinning the lock. We live in a very safe and trusting world, and as we all know, strangers are just friends you...
  15. gglass

    Summer CCW Challenges and Solutions

    Where is my gasoline eyewash when I need it!!!
  16. gglass

    What watches

    I'm a simple man...
  17. gglass

    What knives do you daily carry?

    I used to carry a variety of pocket knives, but the day I got my Emerson CQC-7BW I became a one blade dude. This is the knife that will be buried with me... I love it that much! EDC baby!
  18. gglass

    Is the Polymer Lower a Good Idea?

    Aluminum lowers are a dime a dozen. Why would I ever want to go polymer? With the polymer lower, I might save some money on the butt stock, grip and buffer tube, but at the same time I would be giving up the ability to choose which of those items i would prefer to have on my AR, which is the #1...
  19. gglass

    what happened

    I asked them to keep my name on the down-low... Don't pass it along.
  20. gglass

    Gun Oil: What Modern Guns Require To Fight Friction

    Mobil1 is all that is needed to lube a gun. Paying more for goofy so-called gun oil is just wacky to me.