Does your favorite rifle work frozen? (Spoiler alert; probably not, but you should see anyway)
Rifles on Ice
Rifles on Ice
The article has nothing to do with the Chicoms, but for those that live in parts of the country + Canuckland that actually have extended priods of freezing temps in the winter.…. I think I’ll let the ChiComs come to me, thank you.
Personally, I’ve always thought most ‘extreme torture tests’ are pointless.Am I the only one who can't watch firearms going through torture tests? I HATE seeing a perfectly good gun getting such abuse...makes me sick to my stomach. I know, I know...somebody's gotta do it...but it makes me cringe.
The moral of the story is that lubes that work well at temperate temps may not work well when things get colder.
No you are not I agree and although they may make a certain point when they go to extreme they are totally pointless. I was interested and comfortable watching the first video until he poured water on them in sub zero temperatures and then was surprised when almost all of them failed to fire. In the subsequent videos supplied by other members I was impressed that the AR’s survived the mud test, that was astounding.Am I the only one who can't watch firearms going through torture tests? I HATE seeing a perfectly good gun getting such abuse...makes me sick to my stomach. I know, I know...somebody's gotta do it...but it makes me cringe.
Hitler on ice is better..."Rifles on Ice" sounds like a great new Olympic sport. I might even actually watch that one.
Shows video unavailable.Hitler on ice is better...
Worked at first, but now you have to click it. Guess Mel Brookes wanted it that way.Shows video unavailable.
One needs to realize that a lube that has a wide temp range can work well on a firearms kept warm in cold temps, but a "cold-soaked" firearms may need an different lube that works in extreme consitions