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  1. Core

    Cop-Killer Bullets: Gun Control Lie or Actual Threat?

    I remember reading some discussion years ago on the subject. The cartridges that seemed to be of concern were leaked into the European black market. I cannot recall if they were Russian made? However, they were 9mm pistol cartridges and they were military penetration projectiles. To my...
  2. Core

    14 confirmed dead in Texas school shooting

    Prayers and condolences. Absolutely horrible. Many like myself have been fighting to get armed professionals in schools, armed volunteers (NRA School Shield), and allow admins and educators to be armed. The Democrats are obstructing this effort. I have trained numerous admins and educators...
  3. Core

    Potent Potables (aka What’s your poison?)

    I like the Festbiers and Autumn Bocks. Festbier tends to be lightly sweet with a light to medium body and a bready smooth after taste. Autumn Bocks are very similar with a more sophisticated body and finish due to the bock process: I am partial to double and triple bocks. The barreled types...
  4. Core

    Will I Make My Gun Jam During a Gunfight?

    I'm not much of an instructor, I'm not very charismatic. Thanks for the kind words.
  5. Core

    Will I Make My Gun Jam During a Gunfight?

    I used to do VBSS (Boardings). I was a breecher for a while. I also led a SAT team for a while. I ended up being an attache for various special teams investigating stuff in gnarly places. I even traveled alone or with one other sidekick at times to keep a low profile. What we did is very...
  6. Core

    Will I Make My Gun Jam During a Gunfight?

    Training often can lead to issues (complacency) as does inadequate training. Quality is better than quantity.
  7. Core

    Will I Make My Gun Jam During a Gunfight?

    I was trained to be offensive, walking backwards while shooting from the hip is not in my toolkit. I'll have to lookup "kinetic movement firing." Good advice on cover.
  8. Core

    Will I Make My Gun Jam During a Gunfight?

    Frequency of training can result in complacency as much as apathy in training. Safety is about education, awareness, and mindfulness.
  9. Core

    The Threat You Missed — Are You Prepared?

    Really solid content: well-crafted article Mike. I disagree in some respect with the cost and availability of arms and ammo but it's more than a half-truth these days. I have found that there are many-many lightly used firearms available, and ammo is available in enough quantity to satiate...
  10. Core

    Have any of you run into this situation?

    Not wanting to suggest an answer you may not want to hear, however, I have the same issue with a number of bio lubes. I have been using bio lube for some time due to it's ability to fend off oxidation and dissolve carbon and fouling while the gun keeps running. I have tried some of the top...
  11. Core

    Remington Ultimate Defense 9mm vs. a Prius — Which Won?

    People don't often know this but cadavers are available for sale. Many nations sell them for scientific research. Many cadavers in the US are exported. It boils down to morals, ethic, and of course law. Recently authorities have intercepted illegal shipments headed abroad. I would imagine...
  12. Core

    Remington Ultimate Defense 9mm vs. a Prius — Which Won?

    Enjoyable video, well done. We need a MK318 type cartridge for 9mm and 45 Auto. Im sure some offerings approach this level of performance but it sheds light to the need for more cartridge development. My JH science fair entry was terminal ballistic performance in the early 1990's. I...
  13. Core

    Tips & Tricks: How to Easily Clean Your 1911 Pistol

    I used this method with the old aero can of Powder Blast. I was also using CLP. When I finished my last enlistment I picked up an M9 to carry, and it's similar to a 1911 in that it has a lot of places to get fouling into. The Powder Blast worked reasonably well but it never seemed to get all...
  14. Core

    Tips & Tricks: How to Easily Clean Your 1911 Pistol

    Sadly it's easy to scratch the frame with the slide stop/release. I have nerve damage from a spine injury and it effects my hands on occasion. The technique I use is like a press check with my strong hand and insert the slide stop with my other hand as the small notch is over the top of the...
  15. Core

    First Look: Springfield Armory SA-35 9mm

    Great price for a battle pistol. I am curious to see which mods folks choose to do if any to this new offering. Known a few older gentleman who carry Hi-power's and loved them. I don't think I would want to revert back to a "battle pistol" for daily carry but it's a solid choice and good bang...
  16. Core

    Taking the Pig for a Walk: History of the M60

    Great article! During my Naval service I used mounted M60's and when the GWOT started the CO started several roving M60 positions to cover against small aircraft and suicide boats. I carried a fullsize M60 200rd box, 400rds in my H, flack jacket, helmet, bullhorn, flashlight, etc etc roving...
  17. Core

    Hottest food you've ever eaten

    The hottest food I have had would have to be a Pinapple Peas and Rice with Coconut Sea Bass in Thailand. I asked for spicy, they loaded it with fresh birds eye chilis. I would not get past the third bite and paid for the meal without spice, my mouth was burning for several hours intensely...
  18. Core

    Should I Appendix Carry?

    I carry appendix. My two recent carry pistols are SAO striker. One has a safe action trigger, the other does not but can be modified to have one. Its my opinion that carrying appendix requires additional training. Re-holstering is critical that the user pull the holster out and re-holster...
  19. Core

    Will I Make My Gun Jam During a Gunfight?

    The worlds top special forces carry AIWB and have for decades coverty. Sassy bois for one. They designed special holsters and even put in contracts for small 9mm pistols with DAO smoothed over. Now that's a silly comment. I tend to agree many who carry SAO without thumb safeties may be putting...
  20. Core

    Will I Make My Gun Jam During a Gunfight?

    I feel like this is an under represented subject on multiple fronts. I was recently discussing this subject with several professional tactical larpers.. When I mentioned "point shooting" they were triggered, and several started to accost me. Keep in mind these folks are social media warriors...