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  1. Funwithfuel

    My Unpopular Opinion: Don’t Customize Your Gun

    I remember an article written by mister Ayoob in " Guns " magazine iirc probably 30 years ago, he was explaining the litigious dangers of modding a trigger in any way. He explained how jury lawyers at that time would have your firearm inspected and evaluated for aftermarket goodies that might...
  2. Funwithfuel

    Yes , No , Yes ,No

    So the 7th circuit court of appeals has released an expedited time table for briefs and arguments. They're trying to circumvent the Supreme court getting involved any further. They should've got a move-on from the get-go. Now, the downside is that the stay remains in place. This could turn in...
  3. Funwithfuel

    Any assault weapons you bought legally last week are now illegal Jan 1st.

    There's always ceramic or soft armor with level 3.
  4. Funwithfuel

    Any assault weapons you bought legally last week are now illegal Jan 1st.

    I feel for you guys. I'm a field tech for a heavy equipment dealer in the Chicagoland area. It's common to be dispatched anywhere. I can cover from little village, to the southeast side to the near west all in the same day. Every jobsite you roll on, the job board states all the OSHA & DOL...
  5. Funwithfuel

    Any assault weapons you bought legally last week are now illegal Jan 1st.

    So, four boxes diner and NAGR both have videos laying out their rebuttal to the states weak argument. NSSF has joined the fray with powerhouse lawyers that the court respects. We'll see. I'm thinking emergency stay may be enacted. I'm also hoping that once the case is finalized and it's been...
  6. Funwithfuel

    Any assault weapons you bought legally last week are now illegal Jan 1st.

    Doesn't appear to be an issue for the AFT.
  7. Funwithfuel

    Yes , No , Yes ,No

    We're in agreement, it's all good. I was simply stating that our "Supreme Court" doesn't mean diddly squat. Yes, it's bought and paid for by campaign contributions from gov Flintstone, that gov Flintstone himself signed laws against. To make matters worse, those two skanks flatly refuse to...
  8. Funwithfuel

    Yes , No , Yes ,No

    Yeah but... This is the Supreme court. The big federal one, not the state. Since this is a constitutional concern, it's federal. If it were procedural, like DeVore is claiming, it would be state. That is why I am personally thrilled to death with Justice Coney Barrett's involvement
  9. Funwithfuel

    Yes , No , Yes ,No

    Justice Coney Barrett has demanded that the city of Naperville provide documentation and arguments as to why she shouldn't issue an emergency stay . Their briefs are due monday by noon
  10. Funwithfuel

    Yes , No , Yes ,No

    And all the folks who took part in "freedom week" have until Jan 1 2024 to dispose of the firearm either through sales or "moving" it to outside of the state. All banned firearms purchased and acquired during freedom week will not be grandfathered in. Since the state runs the background checks...
  11. Funwithfuel


    I believe she gave Naperville till Monday at noon. She was questioning the reasoning for no stay regarding Naperville. Then this "person " overruled Judge McGlynn?! I'll bet she's got serious questions about this guys ability to preside over any cases at this point.
  12. Funwithfuel


    That's the beauty of Judge McGlynn's 29 page excoriation of Illinois' law. He expounded on how everything about it was in direct opposition to the constitution. He stated, and I really love this part, even if the overwhelming majority of the citizens supported it. It fails, in that it denies...
  13. Funwithfuel


    Which case are we talking about here? Is this the Naperville case? That judge, she is a left leaning piece of work. The group of FFLs and named other plaintiffs case in front of Judge McGlynn is federal on constitutionality. He eviscerated their claims, made the statement that he was still...
  14. Funwithfuel

    What Happens When Millions Of Gun Owners Become Felons

    But the written response is useless, they just changed their interpretation or opinion.
  15. Funwithfuel

    The newest addition… Mini-14

    Ruger and Savage have always been regarded highly when it comes to customer service. Even knowing it was a user induced failure. (Reloads) Nothing but good things to say about those two
  16. Funwithfuel

    What is brandishing and when can it be used?

    I often read these "armed citizens " reports. Lately, been reading about guns saving lives. It's often reported that simply brandishing was all it took to scare off intruder/offender. I'm sitting here in the people's republic of Illinois saying, "I can't do that, that's aggravated assault...
  17. Funwithfuel

    What Happens When Millions Of Gun Owners Become Felons

    And that's just hard intimidation, right now. Look what they did in the auto key card case. Zero proof of a crime, zero intent. All with letters of approval. The political winds change direction now those 2 are staring down 45 and 100 years. They are trying to make us all subservient with...
  18. Funwithfuel

    What Happens When Millions Of Gun Owners Become Felons

    Watched the whole the other day. It was obvious who was on which side. Dettlebach did make a few honest statements, I was surprised by that. A lot of non-answers too. Unfortunately, when all was said and done, nothing was accomplished and there were no repercussions, as expected. The ATF...
  19. Funwithfuel

    Time flys.

    NO, unfortunately. The dead remained dead, those responsible received awards and promotions. I also remember Reginald Denny getting dragged out of his tractor and getting his head caved in on public television, live. Can't imagine how he felt.
  20. Funwithfuel

    Time flys.

    But here we are again with an " out of control "AFT Agreed with positive moments as milestones. Since my kids have graduated, it seems that years pass in what used to be months. Just pickin up speed heading downhill with the wind at my back.