You can't tell the players without a score card fans, As of Friday. The on again, off again "assault" weapons ban in Illinois. Is "Yes you Guessed It"................On again.
All the local firearms shops within 100 miles of me wouldn't sell those firearms that are restricted during that injunction. They did however set out all the magazines they had to sell, for that brief time.And all the folks who took part in "freedom week" have until Jan 1 2024 to dispose of the firearm either through sales or "moving" it to outside of the state. All banned firearms purchased and acquired during freedom week will not be grandfathered in. Since the state runs the background checks here in the people's republic, they know what you have and when you acquired them. Smells a little like entrapment.
They need to roll all of this Illinois mess up into one for the supreme court to look at. One of the biggest hurdles is that JB has stacked the Illinois supreme court and many of the lower courts with his hand picked bought and paid for judges. It is the reason he gloated so hugely when he stated, "I'll see you in court". He knew he had bought and paid for the court to find in his favor.Justice Coney Barrett has demanded that the city of Naperville provide documentation and arguments as to why she shouldn't issue an emergency stay . Their briefs are due monday by noon
Yeah but...They need to roll all of this Illinois mess up into one for the supreme court to look at. One of the biggest hurdles is that JB has stacked the Illinois supreme court and many of the lower courts with his hand picked bought and paid for judges. It is the reason he gloated so hugely when he stated, "I'll see you in court". He knew he had bought and paid for the court to find in his favor.
The lawsuit DeVore brought was on procedural due process. It concerned Illinois taking an existing bill that had already been read and heard on the floor , gutting it , and then inserting the new language of the new bill and passing it. This was done to stop anyone from speaking against any bad bills. It is also against the Illinois state Constitution bylaws.Yeah but...
This is the Supreme court. The big federal one, not the state. Since this is a constitutional concern, it's federal. If it were procedural, like DeVore is claiming, it would be state. That is why I am personally thrilled to death with Justice Coney Barrett's involvement
I'm well aware of which Supreme Court it is. In case you missed it, my statement was that we cannot do anything here in our state courts because of JB stacking the court system here.Yeah but...
This is the Supreme court. The big federal one, not the state. Since this is a constitutional concern, it's federal. If it were procedural, like DeVore is claiming, it would be state. That is why I am personally thrilled to death with Justice Coney Barrett's involvement
Now how can you say such a thing about our wonderful Gov.? He only gave $500,000.00 to two different State Supreme Justices and then his special PAC gave them each another $500,000.00 .I'm well aware of which Supreme Court it is. In case you missed it, my statement was that we cannot do anything here in our state courts because of JB stacking the court system here.
We're in agreement, it's all good. I was simply stating that our "Supreme Court" doesn't mean diddly squat. Yes, it's bought and paid for by campaign contributions from gov Flintstone, that gov Flintstone himself signed laws against. To make matters worse, those two skanks flatly refuse to recuse themselves. "We're above reproach, there's no impropriety here.I'm well aware of which Supreme Court it is. In case you missed it, my statement was that we cannot do anything here in our state courts because of JB stacking the court system here.