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  1. Funwithfuel


    That's an easy carry there. I can't wait to find the right one. Thanks for sharing
  2. Funwithfuel


    That a 3" model 60? I'm on the hunt for a 1⅞" in 357. Mom had a 38 model 60 and it was what moved me to S&W wheelies.
  3. Funwithfuel


    I have the 686+ performance center in 2½" and the performance center comp carry K19 . First revolvers I ever purchased and will be with me till I'm dead. They're both modern versions with the Hillary hole. The triggers are a dream. They are both so close in size that they share the same Galco...
  4. Funwithfuel

    Finally: SIG P226/229 Extended Mag Release

    I got that email this morning. I thought, well there's an unintended mag drop waiting to happen. I agree with what's been said. Maybe take a little off the top. I personally haven't had a problem with mine. I'm not a competitor though.
  5. Funwithfuel

    W. German P220

    I traded my Browning BDA/Sig P220 last year. I run my guns to the point of abuse. It was far too pretty for me to run like a rented mule.
  6. Funwithfuel

    Purchase through Firstline program affected by new Illinois gun law (commentary).

    My understanding was that any firearm with a 4473 started was to be honored, or was one never started since it was "ordered"
  7. Funwithfuel

    Restraining Device

    No bro, that falls under cruel and unusual punishment
  8. Funwithfuel

    Restraining Device

    In the event that I would need to restrain... as unlikely as that is. I would resort to that which is expedient, belt, boot laces, tie, extension cord... you get the idea. Whatever is handy. Having the items on your person seems to paint you as a nut from the outset. Then there's the whole...
  9. Funwithfuel

    Restraining Device

    Cuffs, .... might as well carry duct tape and chloroform too. Don't forget the plastic sheeting.
  10. Funwithfuel

    Military guys and guns.

    My jarhead friends have rifles that they didn't spec or build. They just grabbed "off the shelf" Their position is, the core ruined guns for me. My army grunt friend built all his own. From milling out the 80% lowers to stoning the trigger and sear for the "just right" let-off. He really lives...
  11. Funwithfuel

    Illinois Judge Rules against state

    Well that was thoroughly disgusting to read through. That explains why he just giggled and smiled saying, "well I guess we'll see you in court then. " the dirty b@stard stacked the deck on the front side. Shouldn't those judges have to recuse themselves for conflict of interest? I guess...
  12. Funwithfuel

    Illinois Judge Rules against state

    It must have been a good feeling when we saw all those taliban running around in our brand new unissued gear when we left. It's ridiculous. We've literally armed 2 complete armies with small arms, NVG , transport and heavy weapons. "They" can have military weapons but we can't. We are our...
  13. Funwithfuel

    Illinois Judge Rules against state

    You guys know, they're going after body armor now. They want us to be good little sheeple.
  14. Funwithfuel

    Illinois Judge Rules against state

    The revolution was fought with privately owned artillery and equipment. There was no structured government. Just a handful of freedom fighters sponsored by a few well-heeled aristocrats to overthrow a tyrannical government. Meeting up in bars and churches. Sharing information, colluding for...
  15. Funwithfuel


    Can't blame the bad guy. Not until they figure out how to let people vote from prison and jail. That's their voter base.
  16. Funwithfuel


    This law is basically the AWB of 94 but with the exception that it bans by type and description and by name. We lost ability to have any 50 cal centerfire cartridge or firearm. Then we're limited in pistol mags to 15 rounds and rifles to 10. No exceptions for 22s . Then the icing on the...
  17. Funwithfuel


    4 boxes diner, washington gun law and freedom steel are all good youtube channels to watch for current updates.
  18. Funwithfuel


    Tube fed 22s over ten rounds are banned from my understanding.
  19. Funwithfuel


    Our state is the laughing stock of the country. This fat b@stard kept everyone locked up during the "scamdemic" Ran numerous business into the ground. Caused the ruin of an entire generation of kids education. On the heels of all this, the state re-elected this POS Just so he could turn around...
  20. Funwithfuel

    What would the US Founding Fathers think about 18-year-olds being able to purchase military weapons?

    I don't think they'd be viewed as young men in the first place.