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  1. A

    SV .308 Grip, 2 decants, 2 springs

    I have the Saint Victor .308. And yes that's exactly what they are, the rear pin, and safety decants and springs.
  2. A

    SV .308 Grip, 2 decants, 2 springs

    Great, thank you! I think I will try to duplicate the spring holes on the factory grip and make it work. I have a drill press, vice, level, etc. I can make sure to get the depth right so the spring won't kink. Thank again for the quick response!
  3. A

    SV .308 Grip, 2 decants, 2 springs

    Hello, I just purchased an ERGO Suregrip to replace the factory grip on my SV308 because I have very large hands, and long fingers. The SV308 grip has 2 decants and 2 springs. The ERGO grip only has a hole for 1 decant and spring. Do I have to drill a hole in the ERGO grip for the 2nd decant...