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  1. Marshal

    I think I might have a problem...

    Is it too late to point out that 40 S&W to 9mm conversion barrels are available for first gen M&Ps? I was looking at my M&P 40 and having similar thoughts. I bought it a few years back as my first striker fired pistol. Then I bought an M&P 2.0 that came with a cheap optic mounted to test and...
  2. Marshal

    To Comp or Not to Comp - Questions on Experiences

    Nature of the beast, it's gonna be louder just because the sound is projected more toward the shooter instead of mostly directly away. And yeah, when I added a comp to my M&P with a threaded barrel I noticed the optic gets little black speckles of carbon flung onto it. I have no earthly idea...
  3. Marshal

    First Look at Smith & Wesson's New CSX® E-Series® Pistols

    Asked my LGS about them this weekend. They said they've been ordered, but haven't come in yet. I asked them to call and let me know when they're in so I can check them out and pick one up. So they're shipping as we speak, some stores might already have them available.
  4. Marshal

    First Look at Smith & Wesson's New CSX® E-Series® Pistols

    I've got one of the 1st gen CSX pistols. It's been great for when I want something small to carry around during the day time. The reset 'issue' with mine was minimum, and I don't ride the reset anyway. That said, I'm loving the look of the E-series update. I'm probably going to pick up the 3.6...
  5. Marshal

    Why This Forum?

    Pretty much what brought me here. Don't like the Hellcat, that thing's gotta go. But the rest of you guys seem alright. So I'll stick around a bit.
  6. Marshal

    5 Reasons Why a Springfield Hellcat Should Be Your First Handgun

    Yeah, if not a .22 I always recommend either a full or compact size 9mm. To be blunt, micro 9s suck to shoot, and they're harder to sort out. If a gun sucks to practice with, guess what ain't gonna happen...Almost everyone will get better at shooting faster - and have more fun doing it - with a...
  7. Marshal

    “But it’s a Taurus, it couldn’t last...

    That's a comforting read. I've got a Taurus 44 as well, though mine is just over a year old. It doesn't get shot much given how much 44 costs at the moment. So far it hasn't given me problems, but with Taurus' general reputation let's just say I don't fully trust the gun yet. It is incredibly...
  8. Marshal

    Hellcat EDC loaded and chambered for extended time

    Fair point. I check them before taking them to the range to ensure they're suitably wet. If I'm not happy with what I see I'll address them then, usually it's not needed though.
  9. Marshal

    Hellcat EDC loaded and chambered for extended time

    I probably don't shoot my carry guns often enough...too many range toys. But my suggestion is fire the EDC on a semi regular basis, then clean and lube after the range session. Realistically you're not gonna hurt your carry gun by carrying it as intended (full magazine, chamber loaded). The...
  10. Marshal

    Cop shoots acorn

    Low pay, lowered hiring standards, highly dangerous job with increased risk of injury or death, increased persecution and prosecution? Thanks, but no thanks. Much as I hate my current job you will not see me signing up for any of that. Let Captain Acorn and his Loose Nut sidekick have at it.
  11. Marshal

    Are These Cartridges About To Go Obsolete?

    The 400 Corbon and 45 GAP really don't seem to have much purpose. The 10mm already does what the 400 Corbon does, and arguably better since it doesn't rely on an overly fat case. And 45 GAP = 45 ACP short. Which is neat but...I can't say that does me much good since I'm perfectly fine with the...
  12. Marshal

    Hellcat Pro trigger slap

    You can also try Falco Holsters. They're based out of Chechoslovakia if I remember right, but they make holsters for a lot of pistol/light/laser/red dot combinations that I have a hard time finding elsewhere. They've become my go-to, particularly if one likes leather. They do kydex as well, so...
  13. Marshal

    Hellcat Pro trigger slap

    Small update: I finally got around to the range and they had a Hellcat Pro for rent. So I took theirs and put 50 rounds through it. I think theirs hits harder than mine, but at least I know it isn't just my particular pistol. I've also asked around a couple other forums, apparently it isn't...
  14. Marshal

    Bersa 1911s?

    The only negative comment I've heard about them is just breakage from heavy use over the course of a few years. And that's kinda normal, every machine I'm aware of has a service life. I've got a Thunder .22 and I'm in the process of wearing that little SOB out. I put a thousand rounds through it...
  15. Marshal

    Introducing: The DANIEL H9

    The first run of RIA 5.0s was very limited. I want to say they made maybe 1,500 each of optic ready and non-optic ready models, but I could be wrong and it may be even less than that. Which is why they're rare as hen's teeth. I don't think this second release is as limited, but I'm sure if...
  16. Marshal

    Kimber ds9c

    Yep. It's a nice looking gun. But at 2 grand it's beyond my reach. Especially once you figure in holster, optic, light so you can make use of the rail, extra mags...ultimately it would probably be more along the lines of $2,200 - $2,300 with necessary add-ons even if you consider the street...
  17. Marshal

    Bulls vs. Bushings: Which 1911 System Is Better?

    I've got both, and I really don't see a purpose for a bull barrel. Seems like a solution that was in search of a problem. Much like full length guide rods. I've been tempted on multiple occasions to reconfigure my bull barreled pistol with a new barrel and rig it for a regular bushing and GI...
  18. Marshal

    First Look: The New Springfield Armory TRP Series

    That's actually a strong argument. I definitely burn more than $5.50 a day on random BS I don't really need to. Why not save it up for a shiny new blaster instead of burning it on Monster or a quick meal at Wawa? I'm diggin the new TRP models. I was considering a railed upgrade for my olde...
  19. Marshal

    For all you newbies about gun(s) availability

    I'm guessing below 10K were the early run of problem children?
  20. Marshal

    Hellcat Pro trigger slap

    I'm fairly certain the trigger dingus is not the source of the irritation. Messing around with it, the dingus doesn't have any sharp corners, and it seems to seat flush enough while dry firing as to not cause a problem. Yes, we'll see if it will let me link a video. But the basic premise is...