first, frankly, i could care less about some cartridges going away...personally i feel there are just too many, spreading the ammo making companies to "short us for ammo supplies, " one over another.
next, the 45 GAP, being a Glock round? makes sense now to me how the gunsmith at my club said, "if you ever get Glock brass mixed in with your other 45 (ACP) brass, you are going to have a hell of a time reloading", as that Glock brass slightly shorter than ACP, and uses a small primer (even as some ACP brands use)..
little did the gunsmith know at the time, i always separate my LPP and SPP 45 ACP, so i would have caught the SPP 45 brass..
so that's a cartridge that can go..."bye-bye"....
i think it's time to "clean up all the excess not as popular anymore" ammo.
now, let the raging debates start.....
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