Nothing at all wrong with Girsan. My edc is their 9mm Officer - great fit/balance, not fussy about diet and so easy to carry. And of course, anything that rhymes with BHP is a winner.
Good points, indeed, but it doesn't seem like that those cuff keys were in the LEO's pocket, but rather owb, instead. I do agree with you, though, on how advertising that you carry - either thru owb or sloppy printing iwb - could backfire.
I dunno about that. Read Hal's last sentence again. If he carried open, no one would have to 'suspect' anything - it would be right there in their faces.
I'm not a proponent of off-body carry but I AM a proponent of choices. So long as your chosen method of carry assures that you will indeed...
When going beltless, I'll use either a belly band or my edc holster with an UltiClip.
But - IMHO - if a fanny pack is your thing, the absence of trigger guard protection might lead you to consider an appropriate model of the 1911 (as it's designed to be carried very safely in Condition 1)...
MTR Custom Leather - Great quality, delivered early(!) and price included wedge, claw & sweat shield. The Ulticlip XL was extra, of course, but I've since switched it out for a G-code. I'm a T-shirt/shorts guy & would constantly snag on the XL's metal clip when doing strong hand sweeps, and it...
Actually, that's a very good point. To have done such a great job at selling his trickledown economics con, he HAD to have had all of his cylinders running.
Very well said, sir!
That this North/South 'thing' still exists in the 21st Century is the direct result of all the divisive noise that's been in our face these few decades. It's even reached that point where friends are no longer friends and even blood kin don't speak any more. Historically "we...
Very true, but where I live, driving thru certain parts of town INTENSIFIES that feeling more so than driving thru others - and I think that may be what Invisibleflash was referring to. Actually, it's been over 15 years since I've driven on one particular roadway because of that 'feeling' - and...
I went from suits and a BHP to shorts, T-shirts and a 3.5" officer. I've had no accuracy issues with the officer and have never felt the least bit under-gunned. In the holster, these shorter barreled 1911s tend to be a little top heavy and if you carry AIWB like I do, they want to lean out away...
I've read that the change from .45 to 9mm was made because the 9mm had better penetration, was cheaper to buy and the pistols had higher capacity. Of course, if they're cheaper to buy then they're cheaper (and more profitable) to produce - not that I would ever think that any of those extra...
I believe the article referenced ".380-inch" 9mm rounds rather than just .380 9mm. And:
Many of the more recent articles I've read on the subject of caliber seem to acknowledge how...
I'm 5'6, 170, wear a 36 pant and live in S Florida. My EDC is a 3.5" 1911 that I carry AIWB in a leather holster by MTR. I'm retired so it's T-shirts & shorts and all but 3 of my T's are solids (although patterns will hide printing). My MTR is my first purpose-built AIWB rig, and as the case...
I think there's a bit of confusion over which one of us believes they're all knowing. You might want to re-read your own responses if you need examples of pompous, all-knowing responses, sir. But my apologies for questioning one who knows so much that they just can't stand to read redundancies...
I can tell you from my bartending days on Palm Beach, you can shake a Martini, but a Manhattan is always stirred ;). And by the way ...: put in a mixing bowl: 2oz mayo, 1oz sour cream, dash Worcestershire, dash white wine vinegar, juice from a lemon wedge, 1 oz heavy cream, salt/pepper/garlic...
My apologies for having bored you to the point of tears, however - as you appear to be the spokesperson for 'pretty much everyone here', you should take it upon yourself to clarify the rules on the sign-up page that, lacking formal training or an LEO/military background, an interested candidate...