.380 acp and 9mm Parabellum use .355" bullets, 9mm Makarov use .363-365" bullets. None of them use .380" bullets.
His 158 gr. 45 acp bullet comment is likely misstated since 180-230 gr. bullets are much more common than a bullet of that size.
I enjoy reading about guns and related content but accuracy, spelling and grammar give me more confidence in the source. YMMV
The 158gr .45 is most likely a transposed 185gr…lazy proofreading.
And…9mm and .380 share a common bore diameter, and you can, if desired use bullets normally used for .380 (ie, 90-107gr) to make a very lightweight 9mm load.
A buddy loaded some 107gr Golden Sabers in 9mm, and they were seriously overdriven…iirc, he was getting close to 1500fps..(been a long time since we did it, so memory might be a bit off).
Then again, did a quick search; here’s a commercial 9mm load with a 95gr JSP clocking at 1350, so…
9mm Luger 95GR JSP Flat w/o Grooves - Magtech
Click to know all the key informations about 9mm Luger 95GR JSP Flat w/o Grooves