

  1. F

    IWB holster for 1911 EMP 4?

    I’m looking for the correct IWB holster for an EMP 4 (9mm) I just got and I was on alien gear site and I’m just not sure which one will fit it correctly. Anyone have any suggestions?
  2. Breach&Bang

    Range Officer Elite Operator in 9mm

    Since this is now discontinued I picked one up. I'm not that knowledgeable with 1911's and was wondering if this model has issue with magazines over 8 rounds in capacity and if not what are some good after market magazines to buy that won't destroy my bank account. Mec-Gar any good? Looking to...
  3. N

    Gear for 1911 TRP Operator

    Just got a 1911 TRP operator yesterday, curious as to what light attachment/laser attachments people are using on this gun?
  4. LicensedToPill

    Ronin Aftermarket Night Sights

    Hey guys! I’m interested in buying the 1911 Ronin Operator .45 ACP at some point in the future, and I would want to change out the stock sights for Truglo Tritium Night Sights. The issue I’m having are the dovetail cut dimensions and the heights on the front and rear sights. I reached out to...