

  1. J


    I recently purchased a regular hellcat. I was wondering if anyone had information if Springfield will be offering just the RDP Barrel for purchase to swap in. Im intrigued how much a compensator would affect the gun but not enough to purchase a whole other hellcat for it.
  2. A

    Upgrades to Hellcat OSP

    So I’ve been wanting to get a micro compensator for my Hellcat OSP since I first shot it. I also have my eye on the Apex Tactical trigger upgrade. I saw they’re now selling the RDP, but I can’t justify spending a grand on a new pistol when I’ve got a perfectly good Hellcat already that just...
  3. T

    rdp retrofit?

    anyone know if rdp components (i.e. the 3.8" barrel and compensator) can be had separately to retrofit an original hellcat with the 3" barrel?
  4. J

    Green Laser for Hellcat?

    Any companies selling a green laser for the Hellcat? If so, anyone got any feedback. Thanks!

    HELLCAT EDC reliability

    i finally got a Striker thats not MIM for my hellcat, so i don't have to worry about it breaking again, now i can have a ton more peace about carrying my hellcat again!!
  6. B

    Hellcat Break-in

    Hey guys, I'm a first time gun owner. The guy who taught my permit to carry class is a competitive shooter. He recommends breaking in handguns with the following process: Clean it thoroughly before shooting any rounds through it. There is “machining grease” and metal filings in and around all...
  7. C

    New Hellcat OSP w/ Optics and Light

    Pictures of my new Hellcat with the Sig Romeo Zero, TLR-6, and also just got the Swampfox Sentinel in. Haven't shot them much yet, but so far I like the metal body and taller window of the Swampfox
  8. GunSpot

    5 Guns We Hope Springfield Armory Makes! The Wish List

    Check out this video where we shared a list of five guns we hope to see Springfield Armory make? Do you agree with our list? What one would you love to see? My 5 Wish Guns Include: - XDM Elite 5" OSP model - A Longer Hellcat OSP overall length of 6," barrel 3.7" - A SAINT Victor in 6.5...
  9. K

    Hellcat and 507c Optic

    Hey guys just picked up a hellcat but will be a while before it arrives, and debating doing the modification for the 507c from holosun, apparently it is removing the rear indexing posts and shortening the front, i have never actually seen underneath the plate, can someone post up a pic of the...
  10. R

    SA, Please make a 10 Round Magazine for the Hellcat

    The Hellcat is an exceptional gun when you just think of quality and conceal carry. However, I have many friends that desire the Hellcat, but they live in California, and anything above 10 rounds is considered illegal in that tough on guns state. With that, I believe that you would open a big...
  11. A

    Hellcat in Massachusetts

    Just wondering if anyone has any idea when and if the Hellcat may be sold in Massachusetts (needs a 10rd mag). I have wanted this gun since it debuted but it is not legal in the over regulated state I live in. I talked to my local gunshop owner and he said his Springfield representative told him...
  12. Jetwind

    What's your favorite Hellcat video?

    I was impressed by the unboxing of the Hellcat OSP - and the first thoughts and shots by Brandon of Texas Plinking on YouTube. I don't know the guy or his other videos. But I felt he gave an honest and fair assessment of the gun. I like how some of his reservations were eased by handling the...
  13. LastStarfighter

    Hellcat Size

    I have seen quite a few people online asking about the size of the Hellcat vs. their current carry...ehem Taurus G2c and Glock 43x owners... So here is a quick way to compare. https://www.handgunhero.com/ I have held a G2c and a Glock 43x and let me tell you the only gun actually comparable to...