Thank you for all the replies. Lots to digest but what I came away with is that I am comfortable with single stacks, like I always have been. I live in a rural setting and make few trips to the city. So I am thinking a nice new 1911 will be in order soon.
That said... few, does not mean none. My daughter and grandkids live not far from Detroit. And while they most often than not come here, we do still go down there. Also, my wife has some doctors down in Troy, so trips to the city do happen. And, I do work a half hours drive from home. I do carry a GHB which includes a handgun. Currently that handgun is an East German Makarov.
So, I think that I will replace the Makarov in my GHB with a double stack option. Something that I can swap the 1911 with and make the double stack a carry pistol for the day and the 1911 the GHB pistol if I travel to the city. Or simply if I am caught away during a time of SHTF, I have the added support of the double stack option if reduced to walking.. Added bonus is it could do double duty for home defence use. We do get some spillover crime from the big cities, Flint and Detroit, occasionally when they decide to road trip.
Now to select a candidate. Of those I have handled so far my top choices in no particular order are, CZp01, Sig P320 Romeo, Beretta Compact, sig p365 Xl Romeo, SA Hellcat RPD.
The P01 and Beretta are comfort favorites in the race, I am more familiar with hammer fired pistols. I do have a gun guy at Amerigun which could easily add red dots if wanted.
The others are buy plug and play ready with a red dot which my old eyes will like, and the ability to easily add a light for home defence use.