
10mm Ammunition: 7 Things You Need to Know

from the article "Reloading for the 10mm is easy. Reloading for the 10mm is a royal pain in the ***. It’s easy because both cases and bullets are large and easy to handle." Perhaps the author needs to spend more time on editing checks rather than hyperbole. The 10 starts to come into its own after 725+ ft lbs of energy and there is plenty of that. Under 600 and it is more like a stout .45 acp., while above 800 it approaches lower end 41 mag.
I will say, todays 10mm loads are not like the loads of the past, today’s are milder, when the 10mm first came out I bought a Colt Delta Elite, and those Norma rounds were very warm.
You still get get hotter loads from places like Buffalo Bore, Underwood, Double Tap and other places if desired. I agree, the common 10mm loads sold on the self are more like 40+P rounds if that.
Interesting article on the 10mm round, I have the S&W 610, good gun. The 10mm is a good round, but it has it’s limitations like other rounds have.

Good read except for all the Glock ads.
Any 10mm round loaded by anyone other than Underwood, Sig, or Buffalo Bore is loaded to 40 S&W pressure.
Those three are the only commercial loadings that equal the original Norma loads.

I have quite a bit of "plinking" loaded 10mm (Federal, Hornady, Winchester, PMC, and others), but carry loads are Sig 180 grain JHP. All the rest are just for trigger time.
Good read except for all the Glock ads.
I’m just an old country boy, but I don’t understand. If Glocks = Perfection then how come there are a kazillion companies making aftermarket mods for Glock? I mean “Perfection” can’t be improved on ‘cause it’s, you know, “perfect”.🙄
Everyone wants to try to improve perfection……like all the aftermarket parts for cars and trucks, there are aftermarket parts for Glocks, 1911’s….just a way to make money, to me a stock gun us already perfect….be it Glock, 1911’s, any make of gun, if it ain’t broke…don’t fix it…😬