
10mm solution.

Black army

I'm looking for a 10mm handgun. Trying to keep the cost down around to $600, without needing to purchase all the support equipment.
At this point in my life [for the last 10 years] I'm entrenched in 1911, so I have the support gear. Also have gear for XD, and maybe some Glock.

Tell me your experiences, and why.

Thanks in advance.
I’d go with a RIA 1911. The widebody models go for just over your price, but you can get a really nice single stack with money leftover for spare mags.

Here’s the widebody for a little over budget:

Or a used widebody for well under (includes 3 mags…pretty good deal):

Out of your choices Glock 20 or not listed a S@W M@P 10mm

And not trying to tell anyone their baby is ugly I have personally seen several Rock Island 10mm 1911’s have issues at a large indoor range from causal shooters to bowling pin match participants. Enough that I would recommend against it.

If 1911’s are your jam the Colt Delta Elite is good Sigs line of 1911 and or wait as supposedly Springfield is releasing the Operator in it if rumors hold out! Folks here probably know more on that than I do so they can add to it!

Good luck
Springfield XDm10 4.5 or 3.8 FTW!

I have both and they're fantastic platforms, very accurate.
There are probably less places now but several places offered quality grip reductions on Glocks.

One I would recommend is Bowie Cutom I believe he still does it.

Thank you for the link, but beyond perhaps a new set of sights, I'm not looking for a project.

I'm wanting bear defense, as there's a family of bruins here that have been fed human garbage all summer, and are not afraid of anything now.

My dogs got into it with them last week, and at the time, only had a 38 with FBI load 158sjhp. Took a shot into the swail they were on to break up the fray.

Im not looking to kill anything, but in the same breath, my dogs ain't gonna be harmed.