
10mm solution.

So if I go glock, will I be able to shoot hard cast, Underwood ammo, or is lead in a glock still.....
I would not feed it a steady diet of lead as lead build up in polyagonal rifling is a real thing. A couple of mags for bruins is not going to make it spontaneously disassemble in your hands.
Just make sure you clean it really well after any lead.
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The elite is one of my favorite handgun, they stopped making the elite in 9mm. Guess the echelon took it's place but i'd prefer the elite over it. the grip just fits me naturally. the XD is smaller but the older elite 9's were the same size as the 10mm.

Holding a glock compared to the SA feels like a brick in the hand. granted they work and work well. but SA feels better in the hand. best thing you can do is try them out in the store and see which feels more natural. FN makes a nice 10mil too but they are a bit over your price range. you also might look at a Tisas if you want the 1911 look. i have a couple of them and they are nice
I’ll be just a tad different here, most know I do like Glocks, I like the G29 Sub Compact in the 10mm, it’s a cannon, but I like it, I also have a XDm Elite Compact also in 10mm, good shooter, but I prefer the G29, I like recoil….call me weird. Now on a revolver, S&W 610 all the way