
1911 EMP4 CC Feed Issue

All 3 of my Mod 2’s sub compacts
experienced some very miner feed issues when new with the 9 and 45 also presenting some “stove pipe” failure to eject clean for the first 100-200 rounds.
They all shoot now with no issues whatsoever.
I wish I could've gone and put 200-300 rounds through the gun, but with ammo being in short supply right now, that's tough. Also, having paid what I did for this firearm, having these issues, whether it's a break in issue or not, and hearing so many others with the same issues, I'm a bit leery using this as my personal protection, but you live and you learn. Hope it works out for the best.
An old ex-mil armorer once told me that 80% of 1911 malfunctions are magazine related. Not sure if that is true or not, but its the first place I have started for 40 years with them. And honestly, i dont think he was far wrong.

I believe that makes a lot of sense. Of the 3 things I did/do to make both my EMP CCC 100% reliable, (1) thorough cleaning, (2) polish the fed ramp a little bit, and (3) always rap the loaded magazine on my palm or the bench to make sure all of the rounds, especially the short flat nose hollow points I shoot are seated well against the rear of the mag,, the tapping of the mag to make sure all of the rounds are seated nicely against the rear of the mag I think is what is most effective. No matter how blunt a nose on the ammo, if I tap the mag before putting in my mag pouch, I never have any failures of any type. Does not seem to be necessary with any of the round nose full metal jacket ammo I shoot, but absolutely makes a big diference with the very flat nose Hornady Flexlock Crtitical Duty and Critical Defense as well as the very very short and very flat nose Corbon.
I don't tap the magazine but do ensure the round is seated at the back of the magazine when loading. I hadn't thought about it until I read your post. I also do the more frequent cleaning, polishing, and oiling CCC as well. I have no concerns with reliability in a self defense scenario when carrying this gun.
I have always done the magazine rap, it's a habit by now. I even do it when I unload a pistol, remove a round from the chamber, and reinsert it in the magazine.
A few month's ago I bought a 1911 EMP® CHAMPION™ CONCEALED CARRY CONTOUR 9MM and because of scheduling issues wasn't able to shoot it until a few month's after. In doing so I had a slide/feed issue after every shot. Took it to the vendor I bought it from, they oiled it up and using their ammo it performed as it should. Now, with the pandemic going on I haven't had a chance to take it to the range again, but I have been cycling the gun as it's my personal protection, in doing so I'm getting very inconsistent feeding with certain ammunition, in some cases even double feeding of the ammo. The ammo that seems to have the issue is 9mm Luger hollow points. Just trying to find out if this an issue with this model?
Links to photos-
Springfield is done repairing my firearm, I'll post the invoice they sent me, looks like they did something with the ejector, reamed the chamber, recut and polished the barrel ramp, tuned the extractor, and did an overall safety/function test. Hopefully this helps with the issues, I'll update when I get it back and can test it.
Springfield 1911 EMP4 Repair.jpg
I hope it works out for you. I almost bought an EMP online, but hearing all of this thread I guess it was not meant to be. It is a great looking gun though!
I was this close to buying an EMP 3" but hesitated because of some reviews I read. One of the "issues" owners had was that the ejector would come loose because it was "glued" (epoxy or whatever). When sent to SA the company would return the pistol with the ejector pinned in place. I couldn't understand why they wouldn't pin it in the first place, and it seemed to be an issue for several years. Looking at your invoice it appears to indicate that SA "pinned ejector" (2nd line) so it seems they're still pinning "glued" ejectors as they come in for that or other repairs. Usually online reviews won't sway me toward or away from buying less expensive guns, but I'm not gonna pay $1,400 for one that has a pretty good chance of "needing work" before I can use it.
So, after all these issues with the 1911 EMP4 CC I went and bought a Glock 19 while I waited a month for repairs. Here is a picture of both feed ramps next to each other. The 1911 EMP4 CC feed ramp seems to be at such a steep angle compared to the 19. After I sent the 1911 in for repairs, it is working great so far, so this may be nothing.
I love the IDEA of a compact 1911, and they LOOK amazing, but I just don't think SA got it right with the EMP. I think it's almost impossible for ANYONE to get it to work well. My night stand gun has always been a Glock 17, and I have the G19, Browning Hi Power and a S&W Shield to round out my 9mm's. I'm lucky enough to live in a state that has Constitutional Carry, so I don't need a permit to carry concealed or open. For open carry (which is 90% of the time) my favorite is my S&W 1911SCe (Commander size), and the Shield usually gets the nod for concealed carry. I was looking at the EMP 3" as an option to replace the Shield (I hate the Shield's grip), and my XD-S in .45 just doesn't have the capacity that I'm looking for. I may look into the Hellcat to replace the Shield.
Great photos by the way, and I don't see how a hollow point could make that ramp.
I love the IDEA of a compact 1911, and they LOOK amazing, but I just don't think SA got it right with the EMP. I think it's almost impossible for ANYONE to get it to work well. My night stand gun has always been a Glock 17, and I have the G19, Browning Hi Power and a S&W Shield to round out my 9mm's. I'm lucky enough to live in a state that has Constitutional Carry, so I don't need a permit to carry concealed or open. For open carry (which is 90% of the time) my favorite is my S&W 1911SCe (Commander size), and the Shield usually gets the nod for concealed carry. I was looking at the EMP 3" as an option to replace the Shield (I hate the Shield's grip), and my XD-S in .45 just doesn't have the capacity that I'm looking for. I may look into the Hellcat to replace the Shield.
Great photos by the way, and I don't see how a hollow point could make that ramp.
I agree, but putting the EMP4 side by side to the Glock 19 they are similar in size. The only thing I can pinpoint to a possible problem is the thickness of the match grade barrel, its significantly thicker than the Glock, which may be the reason for the steep feed ramp.


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My full sized Springfield 1911s run great (one in .45 ACP and one in 9mm). Best guns I've ever owned. My old Kimber Micro 9 1911 had the same issues the OP has reported. Way too finicky to trust with my life. My fix to the problem was to sell the Kimber and buy an XDM compact.
I purchased a EMP 4 bi-tone today, I was driving through a town in the next county and saw a True Value Hardware. So I stopped and saw the gun counter. they had several Springfield hand guns, I saw the EMP and walked out with it; and it was on sale, less then $900. I am taking it to the range tomorrow , Going to run a couple hundred rounds of my handloads. I have 2 boxes of Hornaday self defense rounds. I now have and idea of what to look for. I have a Springfield 1911 compact in 45 acp the gun shoots really good not a hick-up with it it shoots any and everything I load in it. I also have a Colt defender I have had it about 8 months its a 9mm. that gun is picky I have not found a defensive round that is reliable for carry yet.
I purchased a EMP 4 bi-tone today, I was driving through a town in the next county and saw a True Value Hardware. So I stopped and saw the gun counter. they had several Springfield hand guns, I saw the EMP and walked out with it; and it was on sale, less then $900. I am taking it to the range tomorrow , Going to run a couple hundred rounds of my handloads. I have 2 boxes of Hornaday self defense rounds. I now have and idea of what to look for. I have a Springfield 1911 compact in 45 acp the gun shoots really good not a hick-up with it it shoots any and everything I load in it. I also have a Colt defender I have had it about 8 months its a 9mm. that gun is picky I have not found a defensive round that is reliable for carry yet.

On the Defender—

I had a New Agent, and it preferred JHP's with that were more rounded, and not quite of the gaping cavity profile bullets. I found (if memory serves) that the 185gr Silvertip and HydraShok fed well, as well as 230gr HydraShok, Ranger-T, and Golden Saber were reliable. I think that the 200gr Gold Dot +P load was pretty good, as well.
I got to the range today, put a hundred round threw the EMP, had the same issues as every one is reporting toward the end there didn't seem to be as many faults. I used my reloads the bullet was a tampered flat point. I will run a couple hundred more rounds see if improves. If not I'll send it off to Springfield.
I ran about 580 rounds thru my EMP4 when I got a consistent failure of the slide to lock open on the last round using 115gr FMJ Blazer ammo. 124fr ammo worked ok. I tore apart and cleaned my Mags and that seemed to correct the issue with the 115gr. I'm wondering if I should replace the springs in the Mags? I have 6 mags that I rotate so that would figure out to approx 100 rounds thru each mag.