
1911's - Good Dependable Info


1911's pistols are fantastic handguns that have endured much over the years. They are available from various manufacturers. They are also available in different styles and configurations. Many parts are available, some are stock while others are custom. American almost as much as mom's apple pie and baseball. From caliber differences such as standard 45ACP, 9mm, .38 Super, 10mm, 40 S&W and .22LR to other variations such as size differences like the standard / government / full size models to an Officers 3 1/2".

Long Slide - 6" slide on a full size frame.

Government - 5" slide with a full size frame. The standard flush fit magazine typically holds 7 rounds.

Commander - 4.25" slide with full size frame. There are some manufacturer's that use a 4" slide, but they are generally referred to as a "Commander."

Concealed Carry Officer or CCO - 4.25" slide with Officer frame.

Officer - 3.5" slide with Officer frame. The Officer is a shorter frame and the standard flush fit magazines hold 6 rounds. 3" slides are often referred to as an "Officer" as well.

1911 handguns need attention from time to time to function correctly. Good reliable information can be difficult finding. Once source I find very informative and enjoyable is from Hilton Yam. A well educated person with a slightly warped enjoyable personality. He knows his stuff on 1911's very well. He has several excellent tutorial video's out, some are posted and available in Armory Life and also available for sale elsewhere as well.

An introduction to him: https://www.tactical-life.com/firearms/handguns/carrying-1911-duty-pistol/

An introduction to his videos at Springfield Armory: https://www.thearmorylife.com/hilton-yam-1911-duty-tune/
very good videos.

for myself, all my 1911's are used at the range, and get cleaned and lubed after each use. i will not be carrying any 1911, so none of mine will be put through any harsh conditions as his was.

i think too it was mentions to remove the firing pin and extractor at or about 1,000 rnds.

on the Wilson you tube, Bill mentions if i recall, about 5,000 rds, to remove and clean those parts. i'd imagine all due to his being range guns.?

in any event, i love my 1911's, and ever so glad i bought them.