
What Is an ACOG?

ACOGs are nice but way to expensive for my uses. I have an Aimpoint PRO on my rifle, which is more close quarters (defensive). I would never be using it offensively. So why have a super expensive optic with magnification more suited for 300 yards and beyond? If my adversary is beyond 100 yards it would definitely be difficult to justify shooting at him to defend myself! 😆
😉 yeah lol I gotta see the movies one day, read the books many times. Fly you fools... and was gone
I read the books a few times before they ever had a movie. I was disappointed a few times in the movie but overall I think they did a really good job. The whole blurry line with the Ents and Tom Bombadil bummed me out, but I guess they really couldn’t put everything in there.
The closest thing I have is a 1x prism by Primary Arms. An ACOG is a really nice option but its a military application to me.

Even or especially as a LEO I will probably not reach out any further than a 75 or 100 yards and more than likely keep it under 50.

Still, with a 1x I could push it further just like iron sights. I believe that you can run a magnifier with a prism as well, but I haven't tried it.
ACOGs are nice but way to expensive for my uses. I have an Aimpoint PRO on my rifle, which is more close quarters (defensive). I would never be using it offensively. So why have a super expensive optic with magnification more suited for 300 yards and beyond? If my adversary is beyond 100 yards it would definitely be difficult to justify shooting at him to defend myself! 😆
An Aimpoint PRO works just fine for offense 😉
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ACOGs are nice but way to expensive for my uses. I have an Aimpoint PRO on my rifle, which is more close quarters (defensive). I would never be using it offensively. So why have a super expensive optic with magnification more suited for 300 yards and beyond? If my adversary is beyond 100 yards it would definitely be difficult to justify shooting at him to defend myself! 😆
So…if your assailant is shooting at you from 101 yards out, you’re just gonna give up? The incoming rounds are harmless?

What, exactly, makes them less if a threat than one at 50? At 25?
Obviously exact numbers have nothing to do with it. It's a matter of practical use. In my state you have a legal obligation to retreat if a safe opportunity presents itself. In "most" cases those extended distances present the option to disengage. Of course there are exceptions. We can create a million difference scenarios. Each situation stands alone. I'm just saying for practical purposes an ACOG has little use in my world. I certainly can't justify the huge additional expense. The objective in citizen self defense is very different than in combat.