
1st and 2nd focal plane


Founding Member
I've always used second focal plane scopes, but did not really know that there was a different type with the first focal plane ones. https://www.thearmorylife.com/whats-first-vs-second-focal-plane/ It looks like the FFP ones are better for guys who want to spend more on their scope and do longer range shooting? Do I also understand that it would be better for on the fly range finding since you can use the size of the reticle as a reference as you zoom in and up in magnification?
I used to use all second focal plane, then I took a flier on a Nikon FX1000 for my M1A. It's wonderful. It's wonderful to have the mils stay consistent through the entire magnification range, especially when you do holdovers at wildly varying distance. I'd definitely recommend FFP for a long-range rifle, especially if you think you might be adjusting for distance using just a holdover and not adjusting the zero.
Purpose and training dictate gear, in pretty much all things. FFP scopes are good for longer range shooting and many these days have a system in the retical to help you judge wind and adjust your hold at different distances. This can be done with SFP as well within reason, but the longer your distance the more the scale swings in favor of the FFP glass. It matters much less if you are talking about LPVO such as you would use on a 3 gun rifle. On those guns you are usually only using minimum and max magnification.