
2025 NRA Board of Directors

I became a life member when it cost $75 (The regular price back then was $125) I vote every time :)
we can now get (maybe always could..?) the


for half the cost of the usual Lifetime price.

provided we are over the age of 65..???..and disabled vets,

but at my age, i won't outlive the membership. to be cost effective.
I became a life member when it cost $75 (The regular price back then was $125) I vote every time :)
I became a life member when I was somewhere between 18 and 20 years old. I believe it was $300. I bought piles of the special commemorative coins and other stuff over the years. I quit giving them money when the WLP crap hit the fan, though I stopped short of denouncing my membership or the NRA as a civil rights organization. If it wasn’t for the NRA not a single civilian here outside of Vermont would be carrying a gun for self defense. And anyone who thinks the NRA could disappear and the GOA or other upstart gun rights groups would be able to hold the line is smoking crack.
I became a life member when I was somewhere between 18 and 20 years old. I believe it was $300. I bought piles of the special commemorative coins and other stuff over the years. I quit giving them money when the WLP crap hit the fan, though I stopped short of denouncing my membership or the NRA as a civil rights organization. If it wasn’t for the NRA not a single civilian here outside of Vermont would be carrying a gun for self defense. And anyone who thinks the NRA could disappear and the GOA or other upstart gun rights groups would be able to hold the line is smoking crack.

You are exactly right, and although they aren't perfect and have hit some bumps in the road over the last few years denouncing them is politically unwise.

Plus, I think they have gotten back on the right path.
That other old geezer probably don't know nothin'. 😂

I hope all or at least most win. I want to see the NRA back on track and doing what it has been known to do correctly.

I also agree with Bassbob that without the NRA we gun o0wners would be in much worse shape today.
