
Do You Own Too Many Guns?

can I get by with a lot less than I have?…..yes. I have thought about trimming some from the beard and maybe getting a couple different ones. I have probably 3 many 45’s and more 9mm than I use. And way more K Frame S&Ws but I’m not going hungry either.

So if that’s your jam do you!
When I first started buying guns I was an accumulator. I don't even remember how many I had but it was more than I could feed and that's important.

I talked about this before I had all those guns but I couldn't afford ammunition and accessories for all of them. Some of them were really obscure guns like I had an old Llama 45, a magazine for it cost $97.

In 2013 I sold off the vast majority of my guns and started over.

As far as handguns go I've pretty much limited myself to 9 mm Glocks.

I can buy more 9 mm ammunition for the same amount of money than I was paying for all the different calibers. Plus, I don't know why but it's easier to talk my wife into a thousand rounds of 9 mm than 100 rounds of .45 ACP and 100 rounds of .40 Smith & Wesson and 100 rounds of .380 and 100 rounds of 9 mm and 100 rounds of 9 mm Makarov and 100 rounds of .223.

Maybe it's because she's only ordering one thing.
On a related note:

I laugh immensely when a news article mentions the authorities in a Democrat state seized “ an arsenal of weapons and ammo” from someone and its 3 guns and 200 rounds

My answer, without reservation, is no. I do not own too many firearms. With exemption given for a few "gifts," the extent of our meager purchases are in the absolutely needed category. Not a "dust-catcher" or "safe queen" in the lot. Of course, one never knows what the future holds!
I have enough for me. Like someone above said, it's not only cost of buying them but it's the cost of dressing them up after you do that will put a hole in your pocket. Then add all the ammo and the range time to cycle amongst soooo... many guns.

also, my safes are full enough so I am at the stage where I let 1 go if I want another.
To be honest, yes, I have too many guns. I have some I haven't shot in decades. I have some guns that were hunting rifles and shotguns that I'll probably never use again. I am in no way against hunting, I'm 100% in support of it, but I gave up hunting years ago. About the only reason I would now kill an animal would be for self-defense or to put down a suffering animal (hogs or other destructive or dangerous animals or dangerous snakes are different--I'll take them out any time). Some guns were bought for my children to introduce them into firearms. They are both adults now, but they have no safe way to secure them at the moment. If they ever want them, I have them here with me when and if they ever want them. I have some guns that are not practical but are fun. I have some that are kept for sentimental reasons. And one that I intend to put under glass for display and as a tribute to my late father-in-law. Numbers wise, probably 50-60. The majority could go, but in all likelihood won't. I only see an increase in the next few years. When I hit my "golden years" is when I will seriously start to get rid of most of them.