
Top Practical Everyday Carry Items You Need

When I first started working as a security guard I was working downtown at the Kiowa garage one night and there was an incident and we had to call the cops.

I don't even remember what the incident was But the cop wanted to give me The CSN (Call for Service Number) for my incident report. I didn't have a pen and paper on me to write it down. He looked at me like I was an idiot and pulled a piece of paper out of his own notebook and wrote it down and gave it to me.

After that night I never went to work without a notebook and a pen in my pocket and a pack of pens in my backpack again.


You can buy these little notebooks at the dollar store (which is now the $1.25 store) three for $1.25.

Having said that, this article seems like it's more like an advertisement for why you should carry a wrench and a tool kit on your person at all times.

I carry a multi-tool and I've actually used it, more than once. The very first Gerber multi-tool I ever had had a diamond saw on it. One weekend a guy that was in my section in the National Guard actually had to use that saw to cut the padlock off his duffel bag, that was useful.

I've broken the metal packing bands on a pallet of artillery ammunition and broken loose the nose plugs on the shells with my multi-tool I've even set a fuse with my multi-tool, that was useful.


I've never had need a pair of Channel Locks or a little driver kit, not one time in 60 years that I wasn't in situation where I already had a rollaway full of tools sitting right there.

I keep a socket set in my car and two pairs of channel locks and they've come in handy in that environment but I've never had to pull a pair of Channel Locks out of my pocket
Besides firearm and 1 extra mag;
SAK Cadet Alox
Hinderer XM-18 3.5” Bowie non-flipper
CountyComm penlight
Handkerchief ( Yep, Old School military issue )
Nicotine pouches
Other items are mission dictated (depending on where I’m going )
I’m surprised on the EDC blogs how many folks carry a handkerchief, Warrior9. But it does have many uses.
