
Top Practical Everyday Carry Items You Need

Hello all, here is today's article posted on TheArmoryLife.com. It is titled “Top Practical Everyday Carry Items You Need” and can be found at https://www.thearmorylife.com/top-everyday-carry-items-you-need/.

Not on the list but should be in everyone's car is an automobile glass breaker tool. Cheap and easy at Harbor Freight or other spots, hit the glass in the corner, it shatters, save someone from drowning or similar fate. Less than 10 bucks. Save a Life.
I have briefly scanned the comments, and I may have a hack not yet mentioned. Wearing a watch is beyond essential for me. I always wear an analog (dial face) watch, for one important reason. It serves as an improvised compass. While it requires sunlight to function, it works well. Any older Boy Scout already knows the drill:

1. Find or create vertical edge or line. Hanging a piece of string from a branch works well.
2. Line the hour hand up along the vertical edge.
3. The halfway point between that line and "12" is South.
4. NOTE WELL: If your watch is set for Daylight Saving Time, substitute "1" for the "12".

Another hack I use when going "off-road" is to carry a small plastic bag of laundry dryer lint, for tinder. Several vendors offer what I still call "dime bags"--zip-top poly bags in small dimensions. I use Uline brand 2" x 3" bags.

This size bag is small enough to be convenient, and large enough to be practical. In addition to dryer lint, I can fit 50 rounds of .22LR in a bag, to complement my Henry survival rifle.
Most of my knives have them.
Just don't forget to take it out of your pocket before you wash your pants. I forgot to take my knife out of the pocket of my work pants before I washed them. It has a glass breaker on it. It works well on front load washers. I found out first hand.
My wife would never have a front loader. No clue why. She says they’re all junk.
In our previous house, we stacked the washer and dryer to free up the space the dryer took to have a space for a second refrigerator. In our current house, we don't even have a second refrigerator anymore because it is just the wife and I now. Kids are grown and gone.