I remember being a little kid and being so excited about getting my shotgun. When dad bought it it had a busted buttstock so I couldn’t use it until it was fixed. At the time my dad had a side business checkering and finishing gunstocks. I remember clearly taking the ride with him out to the Fajen facility in Warsaw. As a kid it seemed like a long ride but in reality it was about 45 miles from our house. They gave us a tour and we picked up my stock. Of course then I had to wait for him to shape it, fit it and finish it. That was a very happy fall for me.I have a Sako custom 257 Roberts with a Fajen AAA fancy stock blank and my father's Savage 410 over under has a Fajen wood stock and forearm. It was originally a plastic type stock that my father broke somehow while rabbit hunting.
The shop I worked at bought many stocks from Fajen, the gunsmith that worked there loved working with wood more than metal.