
.357 Magnum Revolver: Controllable Concealed Carry Options

I have a K 6 dasa , 2 inch. I Just shot it last weekend. Very controllable with American eagle 158 grains. I don’t think I would try Buffalo Bore in it.
I carried a 4" Taurus Tracker for 11 years as my EDC. 7 shot .357 stoked with 180gr lead flat tops traveling close to 1400 ft/s. Trusted it with my life. It's still a good shooter, just taught my future daughter-in-law to shoot using it(with .38 specials).
Interested in what others have to say. Been researching some .357 snubbies to buy. They are not easy to come by. Top of my list are the Kimber k6s dasa and the S&W 360pd. They are expensive and not readily available. Was also looking at the Taurus 605, good price and the Ruger LCRX - mid range price. Anyone have any experience with any of these?
Interested in what others have to say. Been researching some .357 snubbies to buy. They are not easy to come by. Top of my list are the Kimber k6s dasa and the S&W 360pd. They are expensive and not readily available. Was also looking at the Taurus 605, good price and the Ruger LCRX - mid range price. Anyone have any experience with any of these?
I’d recommend a S&W 640 or 640 Pro. I have a Pro; I had a 640 that I traded off when I got the Pro.

The all-steel model is a definite plus when shooting magnums over the lightweight PD’s; you can actually shoot more than a couple cylinders worth for practice (I’ve got no problem running 50 rounds or so at a time, but more can get to be a bit much). This goes as well for the LCR’s...lightweight, magnums get punishing fast. Also, having had a LCR...don’t care for them. The grip is off for me, where a J-frame is natural...and the trigger does not impress me. It might be light, but it’s also got a really ugly break...not clean at all.

The K6 is really sweet. Kinda want one, but with snub J, K, L, and N frame .357’s...kinda hard to justify one.

Which means I just haven’t found one for the right price yet.

Taurus...no. Just...no. Others can love them all they like, but after having owned one Taurus .357 that shot loose in less than 200 rounds...nope. Won’t own another.
Thanks. The 640 looks nice, but I don’t really want the DAO offered in the Pro and looks like the regular 640 is only available in a 3” barrel. I like having the option to shoot SA and having the hammer. I did see a Kimber at the gun store I went to today, but it was in .38. I’ll have to keep looking around.
Thanks. The 640 looks nice, but I don’t really want the DAO offered in the Pro and looks like the regular 640 is only available in a 3” barrel. I like having the option to shoot SA and having the hammer. I did see a Kimber at the gun store I went to today, but it was in .38. I’ll have to keep looking around.
You may consider a 360 M&P. The unfluted steel cylinder adds a bit of weight, making it a little better than the PD models.

I think they’re also making a 2.5” or 2.75” model 66 (K frame), as well as a 686 in 2.5”.

3” .357’s, by the bye, are about the sweetest spot for the caliber...that way, they can have an ejector rod long enough to fully extract a case. I have a 3” model 65-3 that carries just as easily as my 2.5” model 19.
I’m kicking myself recently. A couple months ago, I passed on a 360. I should have bought it as S&W doesn’t make them anymore. They will be hard to find. And I may have to wind up going with the 3”. I’ll have to think about it and maybe handle a couple.

Thanks for the input.
Its a SP101 Wiley Clapp version with upgraded sights, and I put on the Sambar grip panels to dress it up some. The article was right about the gritty trigger pull.
I carried a model 19 2.5 inch as a detective and as an off duty gun for a couple years. I qualified with it many times, using .38 spl +P 158 grain half jacketed hollow points and had no trouble controlling the gun or with accuracy. I felt it was comfortable to shoot. I fired the course a few times with full house .357 rounds, including night fire, and although the increased recoil was noticeable, discovered the muzzle flash was detrimental to my night vision so I stayed with the .38 for duty.
Those Rugers are solid revolvers!
yeah, i really wanted the 6", but none were in the show case.

so after holding this one in my hand..???

well...i gotta stop holding anything at the gun stores.......

tell you what too...
i have a "logbook" for each of my guns.

date of purchase, store, price w/taxes, date of build, date put into service, serial numbers, how many rounds fired at each range trip, brand, grains, brass, or aluminum or steel, hollow points, or round nose, lead or FMJ, and cleaning and lube..

I always email each and every gun maker for the date of build, to maintain my records.

i emailed Ruger, and in like 1 hour, i get the build date...!!!!!!!

not like some makers, i am still waiting, like a month now for my 2 Dan Wessons, or my Colt Python.....

even Korth/Knighthawk Customs, got back to me in 2 days....

why do some seemingly "balk" at providing this information??
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yeah, i really wanted the 6", but none were in the show case.

so after holding this one in my hand..???

well...i gotta stop holding anything at the gun stores.......

tell you what too...
i have a "logbook" for each of my guns.

date of purchase, store, price w/taxes, date of build, date put into service, serial numbers, how many rounds fired at each range trip, brand, grains, brass, or aluminum or steel, hollow points, or round nose, lead or FMJ, and cleaning and lube..

I always email each and every gun maker for the date of build, to maintain my records.

i emailed Ruger, and in like 1 hour, i get the build date...!!!!!!!

not like some makers, i am still waiting, like a month now for my 2 Dan Wessons, or my Colt Python.....

even Korth/Knighthawk Customs, got back to me in 2 days....

why do some seemingly "balk" at providing this information??
....Um, there is a bit of a crisis going on for some people and companies come to mind?
Everyone's doing best they can under different scenarios is what have been seeing from this end.
For now, as simple as it may be sometimes, may be best to expect the unexpected?
Well, I know HansGruber doesn’t like the Taurus 605, and I respect his opinion and had kind of counted that out. But, I’m having a hard time finding any of the revolvers I’d like anywhere around here. Any one else have experience with the 605? I don’t think I’ve read a bad review on it yet. I don’t really want to buy something I’d regret on down the road. I saw a 605 locally for around $410 last week and for all I know, it’s gone by now, but I have seen them come in more often than a S&W or other higher end revolvers. Thoughts would be appreciated...