^ Is it likely to happen?
I agree, it isn't.
But is it possible?
Michael Porschein's case was followed very closely by Ohioans for Concealed Carry (despite the fact that at the time of his arrest, he did not possess a valid Ohio-CHL) as well as by various open-carry communities in the area -
He ultimately prevailed (the case was dismissed), but it shows well how even for those of us who would follow the letter of the law, just being a law abiding citizen isn't always a guaranty.
I've been a knife collector for close to thirty years. And even though I voluntarily stepped away from the community, I still treasure my time there (I was made Suspect in 2002), and while I've sold off much of my small collection (I still regret letting go of my Mayo Dr. Death

), I still own a few pieces. I really loved smaller fixed-blades and larger folders, so for a number of years, I carried the latter.
Despite some really rather backwards municipal ordinances, I was never bothered or even approached by any law-enforcement for my pocket knives. Even the one time in the late 90s when I was stopped on a traffic violation, the officer didn't even care that I was not only wearing a knife-related shirt, and even as I relayed to him that I had a pocket knife on my person, as he asked me to step out of the vehicle for some paperwork.
That said, once I got my Ohio-CHL, I started to become much more careful, which I really took seriously because the advice came from my knife/integrated-combatives instructor.
The latest round of knife legislation have finally started to make things a bit better for us law-abiding citizens, but still, we Ohioans are without the protection of state preemption.
And I know that y'all are talking about another state, completely, but still, Mr. Porschein's case above goes to illustrate what *can* potentially happen, which is why I believe that it is so important for each of us to truly weigh the risks ourselves.
The pocket-knife is a great all-around tool, be it a fixed-blade, folder, or as an integrated component of a multi-tool.
Similarly, there is undeniable utility to this tool, when used in self-defense. However, for those who would suggest this as one of the reasons they carry a knife, I would recommend that they not only review their state and local laws, but also take the time to seek out some training, the latter to dispel any myths involved in its use.