Whom ever takes the oath of office and wants to restrict the ownership of, and ban non-NFA items by law-abiding citizens are violating their oath of office, the Federal Constitution, as well as the state Constitutions that contain the same intent.
1. Whomever takes the oath, has to give two
s about our Constitution in the first place.
2. If said person DOES violate the Constitution, the Courts (both local, circuit, and SCOTUS) have to have the stones to stand up to it, fight it, and support our Constitution and our rights.
My strongest hope these days is all the new gun owners. Now, they have skin in the game - before, there were tens of millions of voters who could think "
I don't have a gun, what do I care if someone
else has theirs taken away?" Now...they DO have their own guns. For a reason. A very personal reason (whatever that may be). Something made them go out and buy a firearm - made them jump through the legal and financial hoops to purchase their very first firearm. Whatever "it" was...it meant a lot to them. And hopefully they'll look at all the "gun control" b.s. and realize "heeeyyyyyyy....they're talking about MY gun now!"
And hopefully they'll make the right choice.
I do have faith in SCOTUS...but things will have to slog through local and circuit courts first, and people will have to hold out and endure those processes. That means indefinite time periods of potential noncompliance, while waiting for SCOTUS to hear and rule on these things.
And a lot of people don't have the stomach, or the conviction, for that.