
8 Favorite Truck-Gun Options for Protection

I had a friend that had one and it was rock solid. Everytime we went to the range I got some trigger time with it.

My only issue is the 1k price tag. Can get a PCC from PSA for half that.
Yeah they are pricey!

The Ruger PC Carbine is a great option and it takes those wonderful bottomless Glock mags!

Here's mine with the factory SR mag.
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I rented one, thus my aversion to rhe 9mm platform. Was definately a good gun. I didnt see the need over a .22 or 5.56 (see other thread😉)

edit: as you can see from the target, it was a tac driver. That and my 9mm Sig.
Scorpion is a good platform. I think it is 20-30% hype mark up in price
You should have a conversation with @BET7 about the Scorpion he has the micro (and most likely the PCC) maybe he can give you some input on it.
Yup, have em both (in fact I have the SR556 TD w/ addl. 300 BO barrel), 870 DM with Birdshead grip, the Trapper, Scorpions, and CZ75B from this list). Below are the photos of my Scorpions that I posted in other threads. Both were over the 1K mark, but boy are they sweet to shoot. ;):)