
8 Favorite Truck-Gun Options for Protection

Semi auto HK MP5 is out. $$$$$$ but it has been relaunched as a pistol for civilian use.
I think that is what Hans has

That’s a MKE Z5RS...basically the exact same thing as HK's new SP5 pistol, but is built on a HK-licensed (and run, I’ve heard) plant in Turkey...the SP5 wasn’t out when I got this, and the Z5 runs around $800-1000 less.

HK's original MP5 for the general public was the HK94...that had a 16” barrel. Banned by name in the first gun control bill.

I have yet to fire a smoother 9mm carbine than these roller actions...and if you are ever at a range where you can rent the real deal...do it. The MP5 is the nicest SMG I've ever played with...after a few bursts to get the feel, you can easily put 3-5 round bursts centered in the head of a silhouette...and dumping a mag in the chest is child's play.

And don’t get me started on MP5SD’s...
IMO it depends on your normal AOPs and regional environment. Also, I think along the likes off the KISS principal.

Other than always having at least a handgun, kitting out with other firearms should be those that are best suited to your environment.

While relatively short-ranged firearms that typically may be very suited to urban/dense vegetation areas aren't very suited to longer-ranged environments typically west of the Mississippi River.

Also, one should look at readily available calibers, especially if there's a need to resupply.

When leaving my AOPs I have a compact-sized AR in 5.56, a primary 9mm semi-auto, a back-up 9mm, a .22 pistol or take-down rifle, and a combination long-gun (shotgun/rifle) in useful hunting chamberings. On long-distance trips I have a ammo load-out for each.

In some case a 9mm can be replaced by a good 357 mag revolver in the mix above.

Local trips can have a different mix depending on what/where I'm going in my regional area.

All that being said whatever you want to have in your truck is the American way to go.

My .02
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I digress:

local range has full auto rentals. Ton of fun. Instructors stand with hands on your shoulders, but ton of fun. Did quite a few for corporate “outings”.

Hans MP5 clone made me think of this again...
fn fal
5.56 AR
I digress:

local range has full auto rentals. Ton of fun. Instructors stand with hands on your shoulders, but ton of fun. Did quite a few for corporate “outings”.

Hans MP5 clone made me think of this again...
fn fal
5.56 AR
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That's an MP7 the guys shouldering in the pic. Beautiful piece of machinery.
@10mmLife @BET7
Have y’all had a chance to shoot the little sig copperhead? I got to hold one back in December when I went on a pig hunt in MIssouri and I loved the feel of it. It was so tiny! It was at a small local gun shop and his tag was in the 800’s.
Also, my current truck gun is my old faithful 16” 2.23 bc I have too much money invested in my blackout to leave in there 😂


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@10mmLife @BET7
Have y’all had a chance to shoot the little sig copperhead? I got to hold one back in December when I went on a pig hunt in MIssouri and I loved the feel of it. It was so tiny! It was at a small local gun shop and his tag was in the 800’s.
Also, my current truck gun is my old faithful 16” 2.23 bc I have too much money invested in my blackout to leave in there 😂
No Ajones2, I haven’t but it is on my list. :sneaky:. I think the copperhead has a 3” barrel, where the CZ micro is 3.1”. I shot mine and it’s a blast. I concur with you on leaving anything in my truck fearing it would be stolen. I just carry on person, and currently don’t have a truck gun.
No Ajones2, I haven’t but it is on my list. :sneaky:. I think the copperhead has a 3” barrel, where the CZ micro is 3.1”. I shot mine and it’s a blast. I concur with you on leaving anything in my truck fearing it would be stolen. I just carry on person, and currently don’t have a truck gun.
Yeah I normally don’t leave anything in there but it has been nice having a big backup gun in there with all the craziness happening right now. You know.. people getting shot over toilet paper In some areas of the state 😑
@10mmLife @BET7
Have y’all had a chance to shoot the little sig copperhead? I got to hold one back in December when I went on a pig hunt in MIssouri and I loved the feel of it. It was so tiny! It was at a small local gun shop and his tag was in the 800’s.
Also, my current truck gun is my old faithful 16” 2.23 bc I have too much money invested in my blackout to leave in there 😂
I haven't had the chance to shoot a copperhead yet but it sounds like you got a killer deal! I actually own only 1 Sig at the moment. I have this in a previous thread also. Sig Vtac AR-15 in 5.56.
That seems more like a list of the authors favorite guns.

Kimber micro ? It's a truck gun. If you're listing pistols you could pretty much pick any of them. I damn sure wouldn't pick a micro compact with a 7 round capacity.

And that Remington shotgun? Really? I can think of about 15 better choices off the top of my head.
That seems more like a list of the authors favorite guns.

Kimber micro ? It's a truck gun. If you're listing pistols you could pretty much pick any of them. I **** sure wouldn't pick a micro compact with a 7 round capacity.

And that Remington shotgun? Really? I can think of about 15 better choices off the top of my head.
I agree. The only gun I liked from that list was the Marlin lever action however I won’t buy one made by Remington.
Yes, and it sure does cost $$$$$ ( not to say it isn’t worth. It) PSA’s will be a clone and a bit cheaper (probably $1200 or so).

PSA clones are not well spoken of. Have teething issues galore (Witness all the attempted-and failed-HK94 (and for that matter, HK91 as well...Hesse, Century, et al all failures) clones in the past 20 years or so, and you’ll come to find that you really can’t slap one together...and most of those had the advantage of using actual HK surplus parts; these newer ones are being made in-house).

If I was getting another clone, I’d go with another MKE (really looking at one of the K guns...or I was, at least, until the insanity descended). Maybe a PTR...although they seem a bit rough around the edges, and the price break from the MKE isn’t that big.