
9mm — Is it great or does it suck?

I carried a P345 for a while.Found the SR9c fit me better personally.As far as a 45 over a 9mm.It's not the size of the round.It's the accuracy of the shot.You can hit someone with either and they will still come at you.Only certain areas will stop them dead in their tracks.No pun intended
I carried a P345 for a while.Found the SR9c fit me better personally.As far as a 45 over a 9mm.It's not the size of the round.It's the accuracy of the shot.You can hit someone with either and they will still come at you.Only certain areas will stop them dead in their tracks.No pun intended
I have the SR40.... never have been happy with it's performace. All kinds of different ammo no joy.
The 9mm/45Cal debate will never end. As situations vary probably should carry both and then
a 454 or 500 for those extra special occasions.
It's all on the user, ammo quality, and firearm condition. I like both the 9 and .40. The 9 is great to teach and train with and the .40 is just my personal fav. They both have multiple use qualities. Both are excellent EDC.
I think as technology advances so will the performance of ammunition. Standard pistol ammunition such as 9mm, .40 Cal, or .45ACP will always be debated by some and arguably boast their choice is the best. However, I think it's all based on preference. Some people are marksman, while others are not. What round can you effectively get on target? I particularly think each round has it's purpose and all three are good rounds.
Just my two-bit opinion, but I like:
.380 for plinking
9mm is OK for concealed carry or backup gun (Hellcat, plz!)
.40 for full-size OWB EDC (mine is the XDM)
.45 milspec parkerized 1911A1 with walnut grips, in dress leather, for church
10MM XDM for when it absolutely must be destroyed RFN (like when you're hunting and a grizzly rushes you)!!!

I concur the caliber debate will go on forever, and with modern defensive ammo providing parity regardless of caliber, the only issue is what you want to EDC that you're proficient with. Many people want 9mm because it gives you maximum quantity and it's a very easy shooting round. The main consideration for anyone looking to buy a pistol is to get what fits your hand best and offers you the best control & accuracy FOR YOU. What works for anyone else may not work for you or vice-versa. No firearm is necessarily equal to another. So you have to go try out several pistols; Rent from a range, borrow a relative or friend's pistol, whatever you need to do to try different makes & models. And that's just pistols. Ammunition is a whole other ball of wax.
Just my two-bit opinion, but I like:
.380 for plinking
9mm is OK for concealed carry or backup gun (Hellcat, plz!)
.40 for full-size OWB EDC (mine is the XDM)
.45 milspec parkerized 1911A1 with walnut grips, in dress leather, for church
10MM XDM for when it absolutely must be destroyed RFN (like when you're hunting and a grizzly rushes you)!!!

I concur the caliber debate will go on forever, and with modern defensive ammo providing parity regardless of caliber, the only issue is what you want to EDC that you're proficient with. Many people want 9mm because it gives you maximum quantity and it's a very easy shooting round. The main consideration for anyone looking to buy a pistol is to get what fits your hand best and offers you the best control & accuracy FOR YOU. What works for anyone else may not work for you or vice-versa. No firearm is necessarily equal to another. So you have to go try out several pistols; Rent from a range, borrow a relative or friend's pistol, whatever you need to do to try different makes & models. And that's just pistols. Ammunition is a whole other ball of wax.
Someone comes up to me at the range and asks what I'm shooting I always offer them the opportunity to run a half dozen rounds through it. Others have done the same with me. Lot of folks would most likely never have fired a 44 Mag if it wasn't for the Sarge being there with his hand cannons.
I've been reading gun mags since I was a kid and forums more these days, and I remember when the 9mm was absolute "garbage" and worthless. If you didn't have a .45 you didn't have nuthin'... Then the .40 appeared and "fixed" everything. Now, the 9mm is back on top. The .40 is a waste, the .45 is too big and slow, and the 9mm is the greatest thing in the world. Now I know the "experts" are saying the 9 is fine now, but is it really? Has there really been any testing of new 9mm ammo to support this notion that the 9 is fine now? What do you all think?
I love my 9mm, affordable to train with and with good defensive ammo just as deadly as other calibers. I pray I never have to use it but it's with me if it's needed.
That's so true practice, carry, and pray you only practice and carry. I personally never feel underpowered when carrying my 9 instead of my 45.
I still like the nine


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