
A great magazine recommendation.

I picked this up while food shopping for camping reading material, it has a large section on Springfield Armory’s earlier years.
Don't know if they have changed the name of John Wayne Airport? I think they are saying he was a racist for their decision for a name change? What idiots! A mexican wife makes him racist I guess?
The world is going to hell in a hand basket. I’m so disgusted with everything lately. The mayor of Louisville was on the news last weekend saying he going to do anything he can do to let the “protesters”
Do what they need to do. His only request? “Please no more violence”
How special of him.
When I first saw this thread...I got kinda scared...didn’t know where it was going to go.....you know....magazines like.....Goose Times......BadonkgadonkGoose......PlayGoose........you get my meaning here?
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Don't know if they have changed the name of John Wayne Airport? I think they are saying he was a racist for their decision for a name change? What idiots! A mexican wife makes him racist I guess?
It all stems from an interview with playboy magazine in 1971. He basically said he didn't want to lower the bar for higher education. Wanted the best people suited for the jobs available, and what's wrong with that? Instead this country has slowly lowered the bar time and again lowering our standards so that pond scum can compete (and get a trophy) yes, we as a country are on a treacherous path.
It all stems from an interview with playboy magazine in 1971. He basically said he didn't want to lower the bar for higher education. Wanted the best people suited for the jobs available, and what's wrong with that? Instead this country has slowly lowered the bar time and again lowering our standards so that pond scum can compete (and get a trophy) yes, we as a country are on a treacherous path.
Well said. We are doing to ourselves what the terrorist of the world haven’t been able to do, they are Sitting back waiting for us to destroy ourselves. Very sad.