I don't want to start a spitting contest here so please don't go there. But there is a serious question that we must be concerned with as responsible gun owners and advocates for the 2A.
In all my years in law enforcement there are very few things that worry me more than that small percentage of the population who are predators, sociopathic killers, murderous zealots, and just plain violent nut jobs.
If we view the 2nd Amendment in it's most literal sense, there would be no restrictions whatever on possession of weapons. The U.S. Supreme Court has however upheld some restrictions in view of the public safety.
Reasonable people will agree that there are some humans who should not even be at large in society, and we can all agree that some should never be allowed to get their hands on a weapon. The crux of the conflict between 2A advocates and the gun control crowd seems to be a lack of clarity, and a lack of agreement, as to who should and who should not have access to weapons.
The extreme left view that all guns are bad and should be banned, and the extreme right view that everyone should be able to get a gun no matter what, are so far apart that no common ground for dialogue exists. Neither of those conditions will ever exist in an organized society. Attempts to reason with either end of the spectrum from the center will fall on deaf ears and devolve into finger pointing, labeling, and name calling. Nothing good can come from that.
So, how do we come to some common understanding on these issues?
In all my years in law enforcement there are very few things that worry me more than that small percentage of the population who are predators, sociopathic killers, murderous zealots, and just plain violent nut jobs.
If we view the 2nd Amendment in it's most literal sense, there would be no restrictions whatever on possession of weapons. The U.S. Supreme Court has however upheld some restrictions in view of the public safety.
Reasonable people will agree that there are some humans who should not even be at large in society, and we can all agree that some should never be allowed to get their hands on a weapon. The crux of the conflict between 2A advocates and the gun control crowd seems to be a lack of clarity, and a lack of agreement, as to who should and who should not have access to weapons.
The extreme left view that all guns are bad and should be banned, and the extreme right view that everyone should be able to get a gun no matter what, are so far apart that no common ground for dialogue exists. Neither of those conditions will ever exist in an organized society. Attempts to reason with either end of the spectrum from the center will fall on deaf ears and devolve into finger pointing, labeling, and name calling. Nothing good can come from that.
So, how do we come to some common understanding on these issues?