Amendment II is not ambiguous:
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,
the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed. "
Infringe is not complicated:
The only constitutional way to infringe upon rights protected within Amendment II is found with Artcile V:
No court, not even the US supreme court, has authority to circumvent Article V. We the People have been conned into believing that court opinions are products of intellectual thought. They are anything but intellectual. They're rationalizing bad behavior. Justices have become nothing more than polished con artists hustling political agendas.
I'm not sure how law schools corrupt their charges' minds. One of the most massive fallacies imbued upon law students is the legal concept of stare decisis. It's a concept that fails elementary syllogism. If your premise is false, your conclusion will be false. But lawyers aren't guided by reason and logic. Stare decisis guides them. If Roger Taney opines that human beings cannot sue for basic human rights, lawyers will parrot that ridiculous opinion like bird brains. I tried to explain the logical fallacy of stare decisis to my brother. He's made a fortune hustling logical fallacies within our country's marsupial menageries (kangaroo courts). He didn't get it. His thought processes were corrupted by stare decisis. If an opinion of the supreme court is false, any decision based upon it will be false. It's so simple that even a caveman gets it.
No court has constitutional authority to infringe upon any of our rights. Period. When justices, judges, and lawyers illogically argue that any court's decision to infringe upon Amendment II, that any gun control law is reasonable, he's hustling a con. Before any gun control law is constitutional, the constitution must first be amended consistent with Article V. Any judge or lawyer who abides by unconstitutional opinions is rationalizing bad behavior.
Rationalizing bad behavior is a very dangerous slippery slope with an abyss of enslavement lurking at the bottom.
If we have a constitution, then it's long past time that we recognize it as the supreme law of the land as written in Article VI PG 2: