I don't know that I've ever seen or even heard of an hydraulic sight pusher, but certainly there might be just such a thing. However, I've also never seen a sight that couldn't be moved by the simple mechanical pressure of a regular <$100 sight pusher.
Before I did anything more though, I think I'd ask another shooter or two (some that you know as a good shooter) to try my gun. I know you mentioned you were shooting from a bench, but there's always a chance you may have not yet quite got 'the feel' for the new gun, or some other logical reason for the POI dependencies. Even likely as it is not you, another opinion might just pinpoint the actual problem.
It's hard to see just how much "off center" your rear sight is actually 'off' from the pictures, but the marks are simply a reference to see visually where the sight is located and not a definite locating point. I'm just suggesting to give the gun every benefit of the doubt before making any changes. When my Hellcat came to me it was dead on accurate at IIRC 15m's. The sight is pretty close to centered between the two 'tell tale' marks, but if looking closely one can see a very slight difference one side to the other.
Just a question ..... was/is your gun brand new from SA, or was/is it a used gun when you received it? If new it should have been factory sighted and verified. If used, we have no way of knowing what may or may not have been done to it.
But keep us informed as things progress.

Before I did anything more though, I think I'd ask another shooter or two (some that you know as a good shooter) to try my gun. I know you mentioned you were shooting from a bench, but there's always a chance you may have not yet quite got 'the feel' for the new gun, or some other logical reason for the POI dependencies. Even likely as it is not you, another opinion might just pinpoint the actual problem.
It's hard to see just how much "off center" your rear sight is actually 'off' from the pictures, but the marks are simply a reference to see visually where the sight is located and not a definite locating point. I'm just suggesting to give the gun every benefit of the doubt before making any changes. When my Hellcat came to me it was dead on accurate at IIRC 15m's. The sight is pretty close to centered between the two 'tell tale' marks, but if looking closely one can see a very slight difference one side to the other.
Just a question ..... was/is your gun brand new from SA, or was/is it a used gun when you received it? If new it should have been factory sighted and verified. If used, we have no way of knowing what may or may not have been done to it.
But keep us informed as things progress.