You may find this hard to believe, but the pizza in Italy sucks.
How can you die on a hill you've never been on ?
Absolutely American pizza is a far cry from the original. Thank god. Is a pizza with no mozzarella and no meat even a pizza fer chrissakes ?
Agreed. Two of our best culinary contributions have been taking pizza and beer and making both a lot better. Even some Germans I know will readily admit they enjoyed the variety of beer in the States more than what they can get in their homeland.
Go get you a pizza in Italy then come back and We’ll talk. I promise you if your favorite pizza is an American pizza you’re not going to be impressed with Italian pizza.LOL If you got a "Margherita" pie with no mozzarella, you didn't get a margherita pie. You got hoodwinked my friend.
Pizza Margherita - Wikipedia
I used to drive to Holland quite a bit and would stop in Bruges for waffles and frites or mussels. The food in Holland is pretty awesome, particularly in Amsterdam. My wife and I went to a Thai restaurant that served the hottest curry we’ve ever come across. She had such a bad reaction I thought she was having an allergic reaction. Amazingly, she still enjoys Thai. We did a tour of the various flower gardens and cheese producers one year. It was magical. I don’t have enough space to go on about Switzerland and Italy! And fish and chips and Indian restaurants in England, oh my. Now I’m suddenly ravenous.I have to say though, the frites you buy on the street in the paper cups in The Netherlands were great. A side effect, to this day I eat my fries with mayonnaise.
European McDonalds sucks.The worse thing I ever ate in Italy was a moment of desperation when I ate McDonalds. I thought I had poisoned myself.