
Am I the only Revolver Guy left?

Not me. God willing and the river don't rise I'm staying put until the end.
I can understand that, dearly love the place we have built up for retirement. But, if something happens to my wife a lot of the area and size is her design. I would be better served by a small cabin in the woods. Barring that a motorhome or large vsn traveling the roads less traveled of the country might be a nice compromise.
Went to a local show and ended up talking to several others in attendance...The conversation naturally went to the "what's your EDC" talk....When I said my EDC is a Ruger SP101 revolver you would have thought I just confessed to a heinous crime....Strange looks and most folks asked why as their first question...I started as a police officer in 1977 and everyone carried revolvers except for a few 1911 guys...I could carry anything I wanted as long as I could qualify with it...My first duty gun was a 4" Colt Python (which I have to this day) that I purchased for under $275.00,,,It served me well for over 20 years and is by far still my favorite handgun. Do I have semi auto pistols: yes I do...Do I carry them: on occasion yes I do, depends on what area I am traveling to...some parts of town warrant a higher round count...overall though, the SP101 goes with me most anywhere I travel...

The discussion normally gravitated to "you know there are better options, right?" Well, I suppose there may very well be, but for me anyway, my 5 shot revolver is just fine...I am completely familiar with it, it is extremely accurate, I shoot it very well and I prefer it over any semi auto I have or have ever fired....Maybe I am a dinosaur but give me my revolver over the semi auto's anytime...just curious if anyone else carries a revolver as their EDC? I can't be the only revolver guy left....Thanks for looking, sorry for the long read...
To me, it doesn't matter what you carry. As long as you are law abiding, carry what best fits you. Not all firearms are a good fit for everyone. Some may be more effective with a semi auto, some may be more effective with a certain brand and model, and some may be more effective with a revolver. If you are skilled with what you carry and your point of aim and point of impact is intact, then run what you brung. Don't let some of the community dictate what you are confident with. Those people should be supportive not snobs. Walk tall and carry on.
To me, it doesn't matter what you carry. As long as you are law abiding, carry what best fits you. Not all firearms are a good fit for everyone. Some may be more effective with a semi auto, some may be more effective with a certain brand and model, and some may be more effective with a revolver. If you are skilled with what you carry and your point of aim and point of impact is intact, then run what you brung. Don't let some of the community dictate what you are confident with. Those people should be supportive not snobs. Walk tall and carry on.
Well said.
Summertime is revolver time for me. I did switch back and forth with a K6S and a Ruger SP 101, both 357 mag. Then I had the Ruger engraved, now I don't carry or even shoot it. So it's K6S.

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I have two different J frame S&Ws that I carry from time to time. . I see nothing wrong with a revolver.
I have a S&W 638 Bodyguard that is always handy around the house. I also carry it when I go for walks or recumbent trike rides. It's so easy to conceal and I like that I can carry either 38 snake shot, 38 special hollow points or a combination of both...:)

I also have a New Model Vaquero (7.5 inch barrel) in 45 Colt that's my "truck gun". It's with me most times when I drive near the Texas/Mexico border to visit relatives(Mission, Texas area, sometimes also head to Rio Grande City).

The first handgun I shot when I was young was a 38 Special revolver. I've owned lots of revolvers over the years but nowadays I only have a couple. If I didn't have neck injuries, I'd own a S&W 357 magnum or a 44 magnum(and I'd still a 1911 or more....:) I've thought about a Ruger 327 magnum revolver...:)


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Went to a local show and ended up talking to several others in attendance...The conversation naturally went to the "what's your EDC" talk....When I said my EDC is a Ruger SP101 revolver you would have thought I just confessed to a heinous crime....Strange looks and most folks asked why as their first question...I started as a police officer in 1977 and everyone carried revolvers except for a few 1911 guys...I could carry anything I wanted as long as I could qualify with it...My first duty gun was a 4" Colt Python (which I have to this day) that I purchased for under $275.00,,,It served me well for over 20 years and is by far still my favorite handgun. Do I have semi auto pistols: yes I do...Do I carry them: on occasion yes I do, depends on what area I am traveling to...some parts of town warrant a higher round count...overall though, the SP101 goes with me most anywhere I travel...

The discussion normally gravitated to "you know there are better options, right?" Well, I suppose there may very well be, but for me anyway, my 5 shot revolver is just fine...I am completely familiar with it, it is extremely accurate, I shoot it very well and I prefer it over any semi auto I have or have ever fired....Maybe I am a dinosaur but give me my revolver over the semi auto's anytime...just curious if anyone else carries a revolver as their EDC? I can't be the only revolver guy left....Thanks for looking, sorry for the long read...
I own dozens of the so called "better options," but I still choose to EDC a Smith 686.

I'm sure you could out shoot and out preform them in a head to head contest. Then swap handguns and embarrass them even more.

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Went to a local show and ended up talking to several others in attendance...The conversation naturally went to the "what's your EDC" talk....When I said my EDC is a Ruger SP101 revolver you would have thought I just confessed to a heinous crime....Strange looks and most folks asked why as their first question...I started as a police officer in 1977 and everyone carried revolvers except for a few 1911 guys...I could carry anything I wanted as long as I could qualify with it...My first duty gun was a 4" Colt Python (which I have to this day) that I purchased for under $275.00,,,It served me well for over 20 years and is by far still my favorite handgun. Do I have semi auto pistols: yes I do...Do I carry them: on occasion yes I do, depends on what area I am traveling to...some parts of town warrant a higher round count...overall though, the SP101 goes with me most anywhere I travel...

The discussion normally gravitated to "you know there are better options, right?" Well, I suppose there may very well be, but for me anyway, my 5 shot revolver is just fine...I am completely familiar with it, it is extremely accurate, I shoot it very well and I prefer it over any semi auto I have or have ever fired....Maybe I am a dinosaur but give me my revolver over the semi auto's anytime...just curious if anyone else carries a revolver as their EDC? I can't be the only revolver guy left....Thanks for looking, sorry for the long read...

Bub, you are behind the times and putting yourself in harm's way. Didn't Summer of Love 2020 learn you a GD thing?

A liberal Reddit'er out training. She does not have a revolver...Bub.

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Bub, you are behind the times and putting yourself in harm's way. Didn't Summer of Love 2020 learn you a GD thing?

A liberal Reddit'er out training. She does not have a revolver...Bub.

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They also aren't EDCing or conceal carrying AR15s, they are simply exercising their 2A rights, and they are legal gun owners. I own dozens of AR15s, AKs, and other platforms that I also train with, but I, like the legal gun owner in the photo, aren't toting them around everyday and everywhere we go.

A lot of Democrat gun owners like and own firearms too (irregardless of the lies that it's only white conservative), and they aren't murding extremist by default just because they are liberal and own guns. They want to protect themselves and their families too just like we do. Plus I looked over her post and the "socialist firearms" groups she is a part of, and I see no violent "kill conservatives" crazy radical leftist talk. It seems more like conversation we would have about guns and them being upset about AWBs and other gun control.

The worst I seen was a thread talking about protecting themselves at LGBTQ and other type of events from those who might try to harm them which is in the spirit of 2A, and even if I don't agree with their lifestyle or views, I support their right to have those views and to protect themselves from those who might want to harm them.
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Summertime is revolver time for me. I did switch back and forth with a K6S and a Ruger SP 101, both 357 mag. Then I had the Ruger engraved, now I don't carry or even shoot it. So it's K6S.

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I've been very impressed with my K6S. Somehow Kimber waded late into the game, and knocked it out of the park.
Kimber K6S.jpeg

When I carry a revolver, I generally alternate between the the Kimber and the Colt:

KC Underwoods.jpeg
I've been very impressed with my K6S. Somehow Kimber waded late into the game, and knocked it out of the park.
View attachment 36264

When I carry a revolver, I generally alternate between the the Kimber and the Colt:

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Seen one of those Kimbers at the last gun show...it was fully engraved and was amazing but can't beat that Colt...one of these days...nice revolvers...