I agree that we should hold off on buying factory rounds at stupid prices but even if ‘we’ do, millions of other people won’t (hell, there are thousands of new gun owners popping up every day and they will pay whatever for ammo because they don’t have any)... so the experiment wouldn’t get the expected results. It will only work if everybody, or at least the majority, does it.
What I believe is happening now is that folks are buying what they can before the Vista price increase kicks in during first week of April. I know lots of folks who stopped ordering ammo in October 2020 due to the crazy prices but as soon as the distributors got the letter from Vista in January, these same folks went ‘oh crap, let me go top off my stash’.
It’s possible that the price increase may help the industry. I doubt that folks will pay much higher prices unless they truly have zero ammo. The price increases may help keep some ammo on the local store shelves...