I’m trying to be optimistic. I’ve seen the power of the industrial machine. There is money to be made!! It feels like companies are figuring how to protect their employees from COVID. They are certainly going to add shifts and expand. Employees seem hard to find, at least around where I live. This, however, is driving wages up (don‘t need no stinkin’ gov mandate....just make good jobs plentiful). Companies will look for efficiencies and make capital improvements. They’d be foolish not to try and capture as much of this money as quick as they can. A bird in the hand.......
Look how quick industry got ventilators and vaccines produced. History did not provide confidence that what was done, could actually have been done. We will be pleasantly surprised......eventually.
Anecdotally, it does feel like I’m seeing more ammo available more often than just a few months ago.
I check Bulk Ammo almost daily as my litmus test to the industry (might be a flawed metric). They went from no 9mm items available to steel case to 1 steel and 1 brass to several brass to about 8 or 9 items consistently in for a few weeks. Was able to buy several hundred 223 rds at $.90/rd....ouch.....but better then OOS several weeks prior....actually had a few places to feel that pain from. IMO the situation will improve exponentially.
Say it often enough to enough people and you’ll believe it and be able to sleep.