
An Innovative Take on Mental Awareness


Founding Member

Therefore the skillful leader subdues the enemy’s troops without any fighting . . . Sun Tzu, The Art of War

About 80 percent of the information that most of us receive comes through our eyes, and four of the five Smith keys are useful to maintain awareness of our environment and what is happening in it:

1. Aim high in steering. When you are on foot this means looking up, not at your feet.

2. Keep your eyes moving. When you are on foot this means scanning such places as alleys and doorways and such sources of reflection as store windows, and avoiding tunnel vision in general.

3. Get the big picture. When you are on foot, this means recognizing that such items as ski masks aren’t normal attire in warm weather or making sure that someone demanding your attention doesn’t distract you from seeing his partner approach from a different angle.

4. Leave yourself an out. When you are on foot, this means things such as not automatically going for the one restaurant seat with your back against the wall if it denies you an avenue of escape, as well as knowing where you will dodge or duck for cover if you need it.

5. Make sure they see you. When you are on foot this may be a liability - you may frequently benefit by getting through potential trouble spots unobserved.
